Posting from my personal account as we are getting this message from @MexicoHub.near account
Hey NEAR Community. Since February 2021 we have been hosting NEAR meetups around Mexico City and Tulum. As well bringing awareness of NEAR Protocol as Leading Technology in the Web3 space. With Mexico growing exponentially in Community, Developers and Web3 adoption. We are ready to rock n’ roll, and make this year the most strong year for NEAR in Mexico.
Community Name: NEAR MÉXICO
Country: MĂ©xico
Social Media:
Near Social: NEAR MEXICO (mexicohub.near) | Near Social
Instagram: -
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @mexiconear
YouTube: -
Medium: Medium
Funding scheme: Month - February
Members on Near Social:
Distinguished Delegates & Community Collaborators:
- Alan Estrada
- Open Web Academy
- Rog
- Grow Twitter to 25,000 followers
- Grow Telegram to 5,000 active users
- Grow YouTube Channel to 80K Subscriptions
- Generate Content in Spanish on YouTube for 100K views per month minimum combining all Videos
- Introduce NEAR Technology into 20 top Universities and 80 Public and Engineering Universities.
- Host DApp exploration sessions.
- Organize 3-4 Hackathons together with Dev Hack Near & Hack Bos.
You support includes the next activities from the NEAR MEXICO Team.
- Assist and host an activation at Ethereum Cinco de Mayo Event with 600 Devs registered to the Hackathon and 2,500 attendees from top Universities.
- Onboard 200 new wallets using one-click Meteor Wallet
- Generate 300 TX by inviting the new Wallet Users to complete missions send, swap, stake on meteor wallet.
- Drop them their first NFT to their new Wallet, to generate Extra TXs.
- Onboard 40 new Users for Near Social
- Get 600 new followers on NEAR MEXICO and NEAR Protocol Twitter/SM accounts.
- Transalation of presentations into Spanish language
- Draft a professional article in Spanish to give to the 50 media chanels covering the event.
- Generate and transfer 200 NFT for engagement, Proof of Attendance, Tickets, Devs, Community.
- Database of Attendees to keep the engagement through Telegram, YouTube, IG, Twitter.
- Register 6 new Projects to Near Horizon
- Generate 3000 impressions on Twitter on the Pictures & Videos of the event tagging near_mexico and nearprotocol.
- Start translating Content into Spanish for YouTube Channel (BOS, Account Abstraction, NFT, Data Availability, and other updates on NEAR Protocol to Spanish)
- introduce NEAR Technology to 20 Top Academic Universities.
- Use Shard Dog or Keypom to increase NFT UIUX with Web3 Community in Mexico
- Merch for NEAR HACK Bounty Hunters
- Metarial for 3 Day activities to onboard Software Developers at $200 USD
- 2 Rollups: $150
- Video edition,YouTube Channel and Social Media Activation: $150
- Execution Team: $1,000 ($250/each) including previous work and 3 days activation.
TOTAL: $1,500
(Recuded from $5,900 to $1,500 on January 11, 2023)
AstroDAO : mexicohub.sputnik-dao.near
Near Wallet: mexicohub.near
Name: Gerry Alvarez
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @motusdao
Dear Council. We are tagging you to brind your awareness to this proposal and help us crush it, during this great opportunity we have only in the month of February. Your suppport means a lot. Specially supporting a Team pushing NEAR in Mexico at the top level, without any previous funding. You support represent our encourange and respect of our time, in order to bring NEAR Protocol in front of Developers and Universities in MExico.
Thank you in Advance.
@Dacha @derymars @cizi31 @iamanansari