Posting from my personal account as we are getting this message from @MexicoHub.near account



Hey NEAR Community. Since February 2021 we have been hosting NEAR meetups around Mexico City and Tulum. As well bringing awareness of NEAR Protocol as Leading Technology in the Web3 space. With Mexico growing exponentially in Community, Developers and Web3 adoption. We are ready to rock n’ roll, and make this year the most strong year for NEAR in Mexico.

Community Name: NEAR MÉXICO

Country: MĂ©xico

Social Media:

Website: nearmexico.com

Near Social: NEAR MEXICO (mexicohub.near) | Near Social

Twitter: x.com

Instagram: - https://www.instagram.com/nearmexicohub

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @mexiconear

YouTube: - https://www.youtube.com/@NEARMEXICO

Medium: Medium

Funding scheme: Month - February

Members on Near Social:





Distinguished Delegates & Community Collaborators:

  • Alan Estrada
  • Open Web Academy
  • Rog


  • Grow Twitter to 25,000 followers
  • Grow Telegram to 5,000 active users
  • Grow YouTube Channel to 80K Subscriptions
  • Generate Content in Spanish on YouTube for 100K views per month minimum combining all Videos
  • Introduce NEAR Technology into 20 top Universities and 80 Public and Engineering Universities.
  • Host DApp exploration sessions.
  • Organize 3-4 Hackathons together with Dev Hack Near & Hack Bos.


You support includes the next activities from the NEAR MEXICO Team.

  • Assist and host an activation at Ethereum Cinco de Mayo Event with 600 Devs registered to the Hackathon and 2,500 attendees from top Universities.
  • Onboard 200 new wallets using one-click Meteor Wallet
  • Generate 300 TX by inviting the new Wallet Users to complete missions send, swap, stake on meteor wallet.
  • Drop them their first NFT to their new Wallet, to generate Extra TXs.
  • Onboard 40 new Users for Near Social
  • Get 600 new followers on NEAR MEXICO and NEAR Protocol Twitter/SM accounts.
  • Transalation of presentations into Spanish language
  • Draft a professional article in Spanish to give to the 50 media chanels covering the event.
  • Generate and transfer 200 NFT for engagement, Proof of Attendance, Tickets, Devs, Community.
  • Database of Attendees to keep the engagement through Telegram, YouTube, IG, Twitter.
  • Register 6 new Projects to Near Horizon
  • Generate 3000 impressions on Twitter on the Pictures & Videos of the event tagging near_mexico and nearprotocol.
  • Start translating Content into Spanish for YouTube Channel (BOS, Account Abstraction, NFT, Data Availability, and other updates on NEAR Protocol to Spanish)
  • introduce NEAR Technology to 20 Top Academic Universities.
  • Use Shard Dog or Keypom to increase NFT UIUX with Web3 Community in Mexico
  • Merch for NEAR HACK Bounty Hunters


  • Metarial for 3 Day activities to onboard Software Developers at https://ethcincodemayo.com $200 USD
  • 2 Rollups: $150
  • Video edition,YouTube Channel and Social Media Activation: $150
  • Execution Team: $1,000 ($250/each) including previous work and 3 days activation.

TOTAL: $1,500
(Recuded from $5,900 to $1,500 on January 11, 2023)

AstroDAO : mexicohub.sputnik-dao.near
Near Wallet: mexicohub.near
Name: Gerry Alvarez
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @motusdao
E-Mail: gm@nearmexico.com

Dear Council. We are tagging you to brind your awareness to this proposal and help us crush it, during this great opportunity we have only in the month of February. Your suppport means a lot. Specially supporting a Team pushing NEAR in Mexico at the top level, without any previous funding. You support represent our encourange and respect of our time, in order to bring NEAR Protocol in front of Developers and Universities in MExico.
Thank you in Advance.
@Dacha @derymars @cizi31 @iamanansari


Yes, thank you for posting on our behave.

We are working on solving the limitation on our gov near account asap.

Let’s go big 2024!! :dragon_face: :dragon:

Looking forward to keep growing the Near Mexico community! there a big potential to onboard technical and non technical Mexicans.


Hi there, thanks for applying with Globe DAO.

To get funded, you’ll need to refer to the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) you aim to achieve, based on the Globe DAO’s given KPI.

That’s where we’ll calculate how much funding you’ll receive.

Please refer to this docs: Globe DAO February Funding - Google Sheets


Absolutely. We are adding the the KPIs in the next 1 hour max 2 hours.

As there is a Big Hackathon Event, we are targeting hundreds of Software Students and around 2K attendees to the event. And add KPI accordinly to this event happening on February.

Give us few few minutes.


Hello derymars!
Thank you for your response!

We have been working on the accomplishment for this KPIs for this February:

We are partnering with local communities and have a presence in two side events (and counting) to create a referral system and onboard 300 new wallets, along with hosting workshops for IAH.

KPI: Referral System - 300 new Wallets

We have partnered with Regenerative Finances and Mental Health communities to present in a live demo format the use of NEAR’s technology, utilizing it to onboard new communities. We will also be hosting multiple podcasts on the Metaverse NearHub, covering various subjects while showcasing NEAR’s utility for the community building process.

KPI: 4 Partnerships and 4 online events

Offline events:

We will be hosting multiple side event parties at ETH Cinco de Mayo, with two confirmed so far.

Event 1: 60-80 users + 15 swag deliveries
Event 2: 20-30 users + 15 swag deliveries

Devs activity:

We have applied to sponsor ETH Cinco de Mayo on behalf of the NEAR Foundation, where NEAR can include its own track and prizes to push its technology further. If approved, Near Protocol will have heavy exposure within the DEV community, as this is the Hackathon with the largest bounties in Latin America so far. If this proposal is not approved, we are still organizing with local projects such as Open Web Academy for them to have some training activities for devs during side events.

This major event + side events will help us push Twitter’s impressions further, committing to organic activities that will help us reach 100K+ impressions. This includes giveaway SWAG dynamics and more.

We currently have a 57 active members Telegram group for NEAR Mexico, but we are committed to reaching

KPI: 500+ active members this February.

With plans to push the adoption further by working on this Regen market, where people can buy and interact with the projects on-chain, helping us push NEAR transactions further.

KPI: 400 txns average per 100 new wallets


We will create multiple videos from the ETH Cinco de Mayo side events and Hackathon (distributed monthly content), pushing them to reach at least 8,000 views per month.

KPI: Content creation and marketing campaign = YouTube 8k+ views.


@derymars this is the update from Gerry.

Because we have ETH Cinco de Mayo event, we want to take advantage wee have this event to reach KPIs.


Thank you for the additional info, I am updating the proposed target in the docs.
You can still make revisions if possible.

I’m waiting for the other council members to provide their reviews and feedback.
Have a good day :coffee:


This looks accurate and reachable. Let’s GO!

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thank you so much, Have a lovely day aas well.

We are redy to crush it, we have to take advantage of this event Eth5M during Feb2-4 to with 20+ top universities, software students, engineer students, web3 community, Tech Managinez, government officials pushing technology adoption, and many more.

Let us know if anything else if needed.

Hello Team,

Thanks for submitting your Proposal. As Dery has mentioned above that Globe DAO is currently working with Tier based KPIs. I would suggest you to have a look on our Charter

I have some concerns here,

Pretty big numbers, we really need their activity in NEAR Ecosystem. I think taking big steps in one go can led to a mess for us.

[quote=“osc.near, post:1, topic:37590”]
Onboard 400 new wallets using one-click Meteor Wallet
Your proposal is focused on Partnerships and advantages from there, which is 1 KPI of Globe DAO. Right now we are prioritising all the KPIs, mentioned in our Charter (link shared in above statement).
Can you achieve all the KPIs through events/partnerships? Of course, No.

Would be difficult for me to support such proposals, here are my reasons:

  • The proposed budget is too high, social media numbers are not that impressive.

  • Only focused on partnerships & events. Meanwhile, Globe DAO is prioritising the communities that are focused on our KPIs.

  • I doubt if we can onboard that much of users through one event, it’s all about how many of them will stay with ecosystem.

Would request you to read our KPIs and complete charter. Feel free to reach out to me on Telegram, if you have any doubts as we are also interested to spread NEAR in your region.


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Also, little confused here. Why Brazil Twitter link there?

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Hi, thanks for your Input.

Below some comments:

  • Our social media is new indeed, and we want to use this event and NEAR activation to grow it and reach KPI at the same time.
  • We mentioned Apps on NEAR to reach the KPIs, not really partnerships with them directly. For example Meteor 1-click wallet creating would help us to reach KPIs. Minsta or Keypom NFT can help us on TX and onboarding. Again we have no partnership we are just using existing apps on near to reach KPIs.
  • It is a 3 days Event with 2K per year attendees and 600 registered hackers per day. All students with lots of curiosity. That is why we calculate we should be OK to reach KPIs.
  • We can lower cost of the proposal, it is OK. Better to over deliver than under deliver, we get it.

We did read the KPI chapter, we know the KPI are high because of this big local event named ETH Cinco de Mayo with 2K+ attendees and 600 hackers rergistered. That is Why.’

Thank you @GerryAlvrz is the PM of this project, him or I we can would reach on TG to clarify things.

Thank you again.

no idea, but I edited to NEAR Mexico account on X.

@iamanansari on this post @GerryAlvrz did an update. I would copy/paste to update the original post.

Thank you Aman for your input.

Also, you mentioned to reach out to you on TG, but you did not drop your handle =)

Better if we do a super quick call, and narrow this perfectly, to avoid going back and forth for so manny days.

We can draft a good proposal accordingly, with the correct budget and start to focus on the actual work in order to reach the mentioned KPIs, instead of continue typing on this chat while days slip by : )

We are ready to draft the proposal accordingly to get an Approval.

As well the Team is super ready and pumper to crush it this year together. :dragon::dragon_face:

We are here to boost NEAR in Mexico. The Team is flexible and can adapt to what best fit, in order to make it happend.

Hope you guys let us rock n’ roll. :guitar::chains:

@GerryAlvrz let’s get this tailored according to their criteria. Better we do not miss this opportunity to give high KPIs, because of the event of this month in Mexico.

Below the round table with the municipality of Puebla, and the Technology Delegation of the City. Supporting the upcoming event. Puebla is a city with top universities from all around the country, we already have the support of the city.

Below you can see the logo of NEAR already on the Event. It was thanks to @MexicoHub.near and us, the Team writing this proposal who make this happen.

Zoom in to NEAR logo on the official meeting with the Technology Delegation of the City, supporting the event. This is why we aim to reach high KPIs.

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Hello dear @iamanansari

thank you again for your time and patience for explaining us how Tiers work at today’s call.

Running this check-check call with you, we can now modify and adapt our milestones and budget accordingly, hoping to get support from you to grow our local numbers.

I will explain how we imagine our activities on the Hackathon/Side-events and then specify our newly revised Tier goals.

Our main goal is to create high quality content to leverage our social media activity and to generate attraction to social media (generating helpful spanish resources as well). ETH CincodeMayo is going BIG and we want to join as well. Today they had their first IRL media coverage with 30 press media, and strong support from local authorities. They confirmed 50 media teams at the day of the event, generating content (articles, videos, news, etc.). Therefore, we want a cameraman dedicated to capture NEAR activities and content during the hackathon and the side events we are attending to.

We hope to be having a booth in the Hackathon, this means we want to have a team of persons helping us out with the swag delivery activities and onboarding people to our DAO and voting proposals to push on chain transactions. This activities involves:

  • To take a photo, Like, follow, repost on different social media to be elegible to participate in the merch raffle
  • Bounty activities to push dApp use and onchain transactions like Keypom and Meteor Wallet to win merch and if you do both, you will get a free NFT.

Having a booth means to partner with the Hackathon to push NEAR’s technology further. This means 1 workshop will be given by Boris Polania, showing hackers to buidl with B.O.S. allowing multiple on-chain activity.

If this doesn’t happen… and even if it happens.

We have a confirmed presence in 2/4 side events happening so far. For this we have joined with local impact communities, to give introduction workshops for IAH, Mynearwallet and AstroDAO, as we will be teaching them how to create their own DAO, looking to push on-chain transactions. Plus the two activities mentioned before. This will be happening in both side-events during 3 different dates. 31st, 1st and 5th.

We are taking a full team with us to make this happen. Plus the local city team.

Accordingly to this activities, we commit to the Following KPIs:

  • 120 new wallets - We think that meteor and the swag delivery dynamic we designed will help us reach that goal
  • 5K twitter impressions - By creating high quality content during the hackathon and the side events this goal is reachable.
  • 200 active telegram members - By having a booth in the hackathon and 3 side event dates, we will be pushing audience into the swag delivery raffle, hoping to reach at least 200 members and making them all active interacting with spanish translated Near content and updates of the ecosystem.
  • 30 average transactions for each 40 new wallet - We think that by creating a Meteor wallet and completing the missions, plus the use of Keypom, plus AstroDAO voting proposals, plus swag delivery raffle will help us get there.
  • 4 videos - We want to create 4 high quality videos, to push our youtube channel fordward, this means capture and editing. We start with the NEAR Mexico community’s presence at ETHCincodeMayo and side events, then we will produce interviews and spanish translated content.
  • 4 partnerships 4 online events: We have partnered with local impact projects (non- blockchain), each has their own community (some of them are onboarding their community to Near already because of us) and as well are in contact with Jeff, from NearHub (metaverse) we can design our own space (or used predesigned) for us to organize online events. We have done it in the past.
  • 3 events 30 users 9 swag deliveries - We have confirmed presence in 3 side events as NEAR Mexico, hoping to confirm our presence in the hackathon as a partner, where we can organize easily 9 swag deliveries, and keep this rythm for the upcoming months.
  • 20-30 developers - If we partner with the hackathon, we can reach that goal and beyond, we have organized a mentorship program with Boris and a B.O.S. Stack workshop with OpenWebAcademy (waiting for confirmation), this means two training activities. For the upcoming months we can partner with educational centers and hacker houses, to keep the rhythm.

As discussed in the call with Aman and @osc.near we don’t have the current social media numbers to ask for the previous budget ($6,000 USD) as we need to start growing the numbers first. Therefore we make an adjustment and request for $2,400 USD.

We solely require your support, as we have been putting a lot of work and effort into the creation of NEAR Mexico. We truly think that ETH CincodeMayo will help us leverage our social media activity in a disruptive way. And we already have a full team ready to keep the activities running for the upcoming months being a community focused on the GlobeDAO KPIs.

Thank you for reconsidering our proposal :slight_smile:


hey @iamanansari
We just updated the Proposal.

Check it out with the council, help us rock n’ roll NEAR Mexico this year. We are ready to crush it.

Only during February we can reach such high KPIs, as we have this Event/Hackathon.

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Hello team, I have studied your proposal and your community, I see that you are a new community and just starting your journey, you have cut your budget to 2400$.
I think that for a guild that doesn’t have a community yet, that’s a lot of money, and to ask for more you need to have a community already.

Regarding your goals:

Twitter’s goals will be met, but the rest of the points are questionable to me.

Creating 120 new wallets and giving away gifts on them is good but not effective, most people will take the reward and forget about it.

Since you don’t have a community yet, relying on events and contests for success is risky as turnout and effectiveness depends on them.

Unfortunately, I can’t support your suggestion this month.