Hello @NearGlobeDao
Hola a NEAR en Español!
March will be a month of quick growth
January 31st - February 5th (quick recap)
We are happy to write this January report.
Near.social of all core team members:
Thanks to the rest of the team who was able to come with us to the Hackathon, capturing content and helping organize activities. Thanks for the communities who are pushing NEAR Mexico to grow.
Link to the Social Media accounts:
Reference to the proposal: [APPROVED] NEAR MEXICO February 2024
We have no proposal submitted for January, our first proposal was submitted for February. Nevertheless, we write this Report, as we have started activities in late January, with the intention to show our capabilities, and what we are able to do. We haven’t finished February and we have reached all KPIs because of the nature of the event which happened in Cholula, Puebla.
- We hosted a side-event with local impact communities and showcased NEAR technology, we tried that everything was paid in NEAR, not being really successful.
(official aftermovie coming soon)
- We collaborated with 24 communities that helped make this possible, bringing NEAR to them
- We were also able to get local sponsors, and the openness for further collaborations with NEAR Mexico.
We had a NEAR ecosystem introduction given by Gerry Alvarez (aszalvarez.near)
We created a collaboration with OpenWebAcademy and Alan Estrada gave a talk about BOS during the side-event.
We hosted two online BOS workshops for University students in collaboration with OpenWebAcademy.
We established a Diamond partnership with worldclass hackathon ETH cincodemayo (100% funds for winners) sponsored by Devhub.
We were organizers for the NEAR track at the event
We helped activate the NEAR booth
Helped judge final results
Swag delivery with no previous funding (banner, tshirts, stickers):
Talk about BOS given by OpenWebAcademy because of collaboration with Near Mexico and DevHub’s Diamond track sponsorship.
We were also part of this side-event showcasing NEAR.
NEAR Winners and community
Delivering the 4K USD prizes for the NEAR track winners.
We have created as well:
- Potential collaboration with Mexican company Blockpay to potentially print the NEAR logo in some of their debit cards and bring more NEAR brand awareness in Mexico.
- Potential collab with Evolink to create a cellphone paying system with NEAR
- Potential Collab with Tododecripto and his founder Madcripto for bringing more people into the ecosystem and NEAR Mexico community creating content with them
- Potential collaboration with Colledge and ZonaTres for NEAR Mexico create free educational content on their platform
So yes, now all Mexico knows that NEAR Mexico is here, at least the Web 3.0 communities. Why? Because communities from all over latinamerica were all reunited at the Hackathon and we made sure to have a BIG presence within our no-budget and limitations. So our plan was to take the most advantage of ETHcincodemayo, to create community content, tell Mexico this community has officially started. We will keep on working to align with the NDC and GDAO KPIs and bring value.
We upload the full report with our KPIs pointed on the charter.