Who says we don’t have community? Are you only relying on Twitter followers to asses we dont have community? We do have a Developers Database from previous activations and we are # 1 connection to Web3 communties in Mexico City. We manage @ReFiMexico @Bancambios @BuidlersClub we have worked with Metapool before.

I did the 1st NEAR event in Mexico in December 2021, and February 202 with Rim. Since then we continue pushing NEAR, but you guys have never ever support us through this forum.

Did you read that there is the biggest Hackathon in Mexico in the few days, and we are advocating and managing to haver NEAR Protocol to be a lead technology partner at this event for our own efforts without any support at all?

Do you see the value on our work?

Sound like you asking us to work for free to build a community without any support from you side? because we already did that. And now I feel rugged from put all the effort, work, proposals, according to the realistic KPIs and we know how to retail the Users not only creating wallet. We managed to get NEAC HACKs to enter this Hackathon as Hackathon Sponsor and Bounty Prizes. No one is supporting us and recognizing the value of our time and effort.

We will lower this proposal to $1,500 USD. Last chance.

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This is the last proposal

Last Porposal:

  • Material for NEAR MEXICO Team for 3 day onboard activities directed to the 600 Software Developers students registered to this Hackathon → ethcincodemayo-com $200 USD
  • 2 Rollups and QR codes: $150
  • Video edition, Social Media & YouTube Channel Activation: $150
  • Execution Team: $1,000 ($250/each) including previous work and 3 days activation.

TOTAL: $1,500

it will include all of the points mentioned here :point_down:t4:

  • Assist and host an activation at Ethereum Cinco de Mayo Event with 600 Devs registered to the Hackathon and 2,500 attendees from 20 top Universities.
  • Onboard 120 +new wallets using one-click Meteor Wallet
  • Generate 100 TX by inviting the new Wallet Users to complete missions send, swap, stake on meteor wallet.
  • Make them Follow out Twitter, Join telegram Group.
  • Drop them their first NFT to their new Wallet, to generate Extra TXs.
  • Onboard 20 new Users for Near Social
  • Get 300 new followers on NEAR MEXICO and NEAR Protocol Twitter/SM accounts.
  • Transalation of presentations into Spanish language
  • Draft a professional article in Spanish about NEAR Protocol, BOS, idOS, DA to give to the 50 media partners doing coverage of the event. Making sure they post free articles for us.
  • Generate and transfer 100 NFT for engagement, Proof of Attendance, Tickets, Devs, Community. Generate TX.
  • Grow Database of Attendees to keep the engagement through Telegram, YouTube, IG, Twitter.
  • Register 6 new Projects to Near Horizon
  • Generate 2000 impressions on Twitter on the Pictures & Videos of the event tagging near_mexico and nearprotocol.
  • Start translating Content into Spanish for YouTube Channel (BOS, Account Abstraction, NFT, Data Availability, and other updates on NEAR Protocol to Spanish)
  • introduce NEAR Technology to 20 Top Academic Universities.
  • Use Shard Dog or Keypom to increase NFT UIUX with Web3 Community in Mexico
  • Guide the Bounty hunters to NEAR DEV HACK Team.

This is the last offer.

Hope you guys have a big vision, support our previous work, and empower NEAR in Mexico. Mexico it is booming on Web growth.

@Dacha @Ihor @iamanansari @derymars

We count on you for this one. Please empower the growth on NEAR in Mexico. It is in your hands at this moment, this is the final and last opportunity/proposal. Make it happen guys.

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Can someone influence on this please?
@blaze @David_NEAR @harshitcreator @MarcusNEAR

There is a big Hackathon coming in MExico, we want to crush it and onboard Devs, we will give a professional article about NEAR to 50 different tech media channels doing coverage of this event. The team will generate, they drafted a User retention strategy, we will make NEAR to be in Radio, TV and infront of the Tech associations, entrepreneurs. Retail and Governmental Tech autorities.

How come this is not getting any support?

:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

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No, I don’t just rely on Twitter, although it’s very important in the crypto industry, I’ve been watching all your social media. No one is asking you to work for free, but to approve your funds I have to rely on your community.

Your proposal I am ready to support the sum of 1500$, but not more, show the result and then ask for more.


I respect that.

Be 100% sure The Team is going to show solid results and flow on the right path.

Thank you for your comprehension.

We just needed a little bit of support and recognition for our work.

We are here to grow NEAR in Mexico.




Now, lets more because we need to prepare many things

@GerryAlvrz let’s get started!

  • Today/Tomorrow Twitter Space with the Event Organizer
  • Luma for an Online session with Boris, pre-hackathon warm-up with the registered software students
  • Social media activation, Follow, RT picture, download wallet.
  • Let’s draft the articles and push to the Tech coverage to publish it.

Thank you @Ihor ! KPIs will be reached or surpassed.


Hi @osc.near thank you for applying.

so far I know Mexico is the second largest and most populated country in Latin America, and much of Mexico’s crypto adoption comes by way of remittances. Aside from remittances, Mexico is also home to thriving Bitcoin and Ethereum communities, with Mexican developers working on crypto projects.

Beside of supporting exisiting well doing communities, I am also willing to onboard new communities doing events and onboarding new devs to NEAR. However, as other councils mentioned we have specific KPIs which we need to follow.

The metrics in your proposal are very optimistic for a new community. Let’s focus on real value and meet the KPIs at least on Tier E with 1500$.

FYI. For such events and to onboard new builders to NEAR, you can also get in touch with DevHub by devhub.near | Near Social

PS. Tagging/influencing others here will not help you, on the other hand it may negatively influence your proposal. We have limited funding and cannot support all communities. Remember that it may happen that you do not receive funds for a month, but you still have to do this voluntarily if you are a true NEARIAN :innocent:

Thank you for your understanding. Let’s start building community in Mexico. Happy to support 1500$ in February.

good luck :slight_smile:


Thanks @cizi31

We already onboarded NEAR DEV HACKS into the Hackathon, it is because of us; NEAR MEXICO TEAM. Boris is going to attend and bring merch, do mentoring and run a bounty and prizes for this Hackathon. That part is done, and it was because of us.

I get it, let’s start pushing the snowball with the Tier E, we will thrive anyway.

Yes, Mexico is very big and Web3 Development is exploding. We are already very good friends with the Teams growing/running Brave Mexico, StarkNet Mexico, Polkadot Mexico, Solana Mexico, Abritrum Mexico, Algorand Mexico, Avalanche Mexico, Chainlink Mexico, OP Mexico, Fuel Network Mexico, ReFi Mexico, Celo Mexico. We collaborate with all of them, but are here for NEAR.

And this is WHY, I am stressing this out. Because NEAR cannot be left behind.

You guys are doing the right thing.

@MexicoHub.near has a stellar Team, ready to thrive this Year. Be sure we will have a good collaboration.

I am a nearian since September 2020, and I have done enough voluntary work, and I know exactly what NEAR needs and how to get it. This is why I push this so much.

Thank you. Yes, let’s start the community in Mexico. :dizzy: :zap:


Great, thank you for providing this information. Personally, I would like to confirm this first and will only give my vote after getting a comprehensive understanding of your previous experiences collaborating with the OGs from NEAR, the Team from DevHub, and others like you mentioned.

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Thanks for your hard work!
The event is challenging, but we hope you guys can secure Tier E’s KPIs (1500$) through the event, and we will consider increasing the budget for next month based on the achievement.


Wait We are already actually working on this initiative. Please don’t rug us.

We want to stop chit chatting on here and focus on the actual Work, we have a LOT of work to do.

Personally, I am here only to guide and support the team from NEAR MEXICO.

I have the OG NFT on Near. Check the date of creation of my wallet, and my project wallet was created on 2020. Also check the date of my near social profile. I was on NearCon 1,2,3. Again I am here just to provide guidance. I have lots of work to do, DM me and will send you some links.

I actually did the first near event in Davos with an NFT on Near where 23K people registered. I personally did the first tokenized merch as NFT at NearCon1 on Octuber 2021. Again, I am just adding some guidance to the Near Mexico Team.

Please, do no jeopardize what I say.

Thank you, we are already working on this. Get ready for your KPIs.


Here it is the NEAR logo on the Rollup, infront of the Municipality City in charge of Tech Education. It was because of us the logo is here. Already many press channels are covering this event.

Here we pushed NEAR to be on the Tech Partners for the Hackathon, we already did this without any funding or any support. From our own push and dedication. It already has 6K impressions.

This is only the beginning.


Nice, please harvest those impressions to NEAR Mexico social media channels!


Thank you. Means a lot when someone recognize the hard work.

We are confident we will surpass these KPIs easily, just because of this event.

Next month we will find a way to continue the good KPIs.

Thanks again, for your message.


Happy to support your proposal for Feb.


Muchas Gracias 🫶🏽 :zap:


Muchas Gracias 🫶🏽 :zap:


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