Who says we don’t have community? Are you only relying on Twitter followers to asses we dont have community? We do have a Developers Database from previous activations and we are # 1 connection to Web3 communties in Mexico City. We manage @ReFiMexico @Bancambios @BuidlersClub we have worked with Metapool before.
I did the 1st NEAR event in Mexico in December 2021, and February 202 with Rim. Since then we continue pushing NEAR, but you guys have never ever support us through this forum.
Did you read that there is the biggest Hackathon in Mexico in the few days, and we are advocating and managing to haver NEAR Protocol to be a lead technology partner at this event for our own efforts without any support at all?
Do you see the value on our work?
Sound like you asking us to work for free to build a community without any support from you side? because we already did that. And now I feel rugged from put all the effort, work, proposals, according to the realistic KPIs and we know how to retail the Users not only creating wallet. We managed to get NEAC HACKs to enter this Hackathon as Hackathon Sponsor and Bounty Prizes. No one is supporting us and recognizing the value of our time and effort.
We will lower this proposal to $1,500 USD. Last chance.