[PROPOSAL] Feb 2-4 2023 marketing campaign at ETHcincodemayo Hackahton
-Perfect opportunity to onboard web 3.0 devs and more into the regional hub we are currently constructing and increase the brand awareness of Near Mexico.
Type of marketing:
Social Media activation for @mexicohub.near, Advertising for NEAR protocol’s latest updates, Blogs and Side-Events coverage in ETHcincodemayo
Brief overview:
Mexico is a leading LatAm country and is quickly adopting Web 3.0 technologies. This time, the team from ETH Cinco de Mayo has decided to take to ball game outside Mexico City by organizing a world-class Hackathon that seeks to open a new space within the web3 ecosystem in search of integration of the region with 600+ developers and 22+ blockchain companies and protocols from around the world with students from top 20 universities in Mexico. This event is a combination of competition, workshops, networking, entrepreneurship and culture. A perfect opportunity for NEAR to showcase its latest updates and onboard software engineering students and hackers, while positioning as the top Blockchain ecosystem at this event located in Cholula, Puebla. February 2-4th.
ETHcincodeMayo is a perfect opportunity to onboard web 3.0 devs and general users into the regional hub community we are currently building in Mexico. This will leverage the awareness we have been building in the hub’s Social Media from our past IRL events, as we push NEAR’s adoption even further.
For this, we are planning to take the @mexicohub.near team to cover the main event and also cover the side events. This will serve for brand awareness and to expand the impact with public relations, social media interactions (likes, comments, shares, etc.) and other activities designed by the team for this specific event.
We are a diverse and rich team with different backgrounds. We have the team leader @oscar.near, who is at the forefront building @bancambios.near as well. @aszalvarez.near who is the project manager, and entrepreneur building @motus_dao.near. @sox.near and @rosaglez_art.near designers and artists, assistants for booth activations and more.
Track record:
This same team has organized the next events, under @bancamios.near proposals:
NEAR Onboarding activation at CriptTec Event with students of 74 universities
NEAR + BOS+ NDC + Creatives DAO & Horizon Presentations
Bitcoin Embassy BOS+ NEAR to Web3 Community in Mexico
NEAR Side Event at Ethereum Mexico 2023 (Workshop Day + Opening Party)
- Exposure to the 300+ developers attending the hackathon event (online and in-person)
- 100% increase developer registrations/activity on Mexican Social Media, forums and communities
- 100 publications by Near Mexico on social media
- Social media engagement from onboarded users (likes, shares, comments) with Near-Side content during the hackathon
- Exposure to local and national media coverage about the Near-Side contributions and activities at the hackathon and side events
- ~100 New Near-Side developers from Mexico joining the ecosystem post-event. (With a tracking of signups for forums, Telegram, etc…)
- 100% Growth in online activity and discussions related to the Near ecosystem and technologies in Mexican developer communities.
Summary of Activities:
@meaxicohub.near has uploaded other two proposals to cover other aspects of the event (hackathon track sponsorship and side-event creation). This complements the presence of NEAR during this special event.
- Booth activation February 2nd-4th (possible only if we sponsor the event)
- Content creation (videos, pictures, blogs, etc… During hackathon and side event week and post-event)
- Design/manufacture of merch and swag distribution during Hackathon and side events
- Onboarding students, devs, hackers, and more to the Near ecosystem (During hackathon and side event week) through mexicohub.near
- Blog entry creation (for near.social)
Estimated budget:
- Organizing team: $2,000
- Merch and SWAG (tshirts, totebags, stickers, hats) : $1,500
- Content creation Side-events (camera man): $1000
- Traveling expenses for the team (Bus back and forth): $300
- 3 Hotel rooms (January 31st-February 5th): $1,500
Total: $6,300
Funding scheme:
One-time for this event coverage.
Estimated timeline and achievement milestones:
- Main Event Hackathon: Febraruary 2nd-4th
- Side event days: Janurary 31st-February 6th
- Post-event: Content creation, video editing and social media follow ups
Total requested amount in USD and NEAR (price based at the time of posting)
$6,300 USD - 1951NEAR
- NEAR Wallet ID / DAO: @mexicohub.near
- Wallet owner’s name: @osc.near
Twitter: x.com - 23 followers
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @mexiconear - 59 members
Near Social: NEAR MEXICO (mexicohub.near) | Near Social - 6 Followers
BOS Page/Website: https://nearmexico.com/ site under constructions
· Is Your DAO/Project Targeting a Specific Country? Yes
· Which region will your DAO/ Project support? Mexico and Latinamerica mainly spanish speaking regions
Addendum: the nature of this application has been submitted to the NEAR Dev DAO as this would be a complementary application (both applications are not mutually exclusive), in the case that both applications get aprooved the travel expenses remaining of the first application will be destined to merch and token prices to onboarded users via Near related task events and/or raffles.