[Rejected] Feb 2023 NearMexico @ETHcincodemayo Hackahton Marketing campaign

[PROPOSAL] Feb 2-4 2023 marketing campaign at ETHcincodemayo Hackahton
-Perfect opportunity to onboard web 3.0 devs and more into the regional hub we are currently constructing and increase the brand awareness of Near Mexico.

Type of marketing:

Social Media activation for @mexicohub.near, Advertising for NEAR protocol’s latest updates, Blogs and Side-Events coverage in ETHcincodemayo


Brief overview:

Mexico is a leading LatAm country and is quickly adopting Web 3.0 technologies. This time, the team from ETH Cinco de Mayo has decided to take to ball game outside Mexico City by organizing a world-class Hackathon that seeks to open a new space within the web3 ecosystem in search of integration of the region with 600+ developers and 22+ blockchain companies and protocols from around the world with students from top 20 universities in Mexico. This event is a combination of competition, workshops, networking, entrepreneurship and culture. A perfect opportunity for NEAR to showcase its latest updates and onboard software engineering students and hackers, while positioning as the top Blockchain ecosystem at this event located in Cholula, Puebla. February 2-4th.

ETHcincodeMayo is a perfect opportunity to onboard web 3.0 devs and general users into the regional hub community we are currently building in Mexico. This will leverage the awareness we have been building in the hub’s Social Media from our past IRL events, as we push NEAR’s adoption even further.

For this, we are planning to take the @mexicohub.near team to cover the main event and also cover the side events. This will serve for brand awareness and to expand the impact with public relations, social media interactions (likes, comments, shares, etc.) and other activities designed by the team for this specific event.


We are a diverse and rich team with different backgrounds. We have the team leader @oscar.near, who is at the forefront building @bancambios.near as well. @aszalvarez.near who is the project manager, and entrepreneur building @motus_dao.near. @sox.near and @rosaglez_art.near designers and artists, assistants for booth activations and more.

Track record:

This same team has organized the next events, under @bancamios.near proposals:

  • NEAR Onboarding activation at CriptTec Event with students of 74 universities

  • NEAR + BOS+ NDC + Creatives DAO & Horizon Presentations

  • Bitcoin Embassy BOS+ NEAR to Web3 Community in Mexico

  • NEAR Side Event at Ethereum Mexico 2023 (Workshop Day + Opening Party)


  • Exposure to the 300+ developers attending the hackathon event (online and in-person)
  • 100% increase developer registrations/activity on Mexican Social Media, forums and communities
  • 100 publications by Near Mexico on social media
  • Social media engagement from onboarded users (likes, shares, comments) with Near-Side content during the hackathon
  • Exposure to local and national media coverage about the Near-Side contributions and activities at the hackathon and side events
  • ~100 New Near-Side developers from Mexico joining the ecosystem post-event. (With a tracking of signups for forums, Telegram, etc…)
  • 100% Growth in online activity and discussions related to the Near ecosystem and technologies in Mexican developer communities.

Summary of Activities:

@meaxicohub.near has uploaded other two proposals to cover other aspects of the event (hackathon track sponsorship and side-event creation). This complements the presence of NEAR during this special event.

  • Booth activation February 2nd-4th (possible only if we sponsor the event)
  • Content creation (videos, pictures, blogs, etc… During hackathon and side event week and post-event)
  • Design/manufacture of merch and swag distribution during Hackathon and side events
  • Onboarding students, devs, hackers, and more to the Near ecosystem (During hackathon and side event week) through mexicohub.near
  • Blog entry creation (for near.social)

Estimated budget:

  • Organizing team: $2,000
  • Merch and SWAG (tshirts, totebags, stickers, hats) : $1,500
  • Content creation Side-events (camera man): $1000
  • Traveling expenses for the team (Bus back and forth): $300
  • 3 Hotel rooms (January 31st-February 5th): $1,500
    Total: $6,300

Funding scheme:

One-time for this event coverage.

Estimated timeline and achievement milestones:

  • Main Event Hackathon: Febraruary 2nd-4th
  • Side event days: Janurary 31st-February 6th
  • Post-event: Content creation, video editing and social media follow ups

Total requested amount in USD and NEAR (price based at the time of posting)

$6,300 USD - 1951NEAR


Twitter: x.com - 23 followers
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @mexiconear - 59 members
Near Social: NEAR MEXICO (mexicohub.near) | Near Social - 6 Followers

BOS Page/Website: https://nearmexico.com/ site under constructions

· Is Your DAO/Project Targeting a Specific Country? Yes
· Which region will your DAO/ Project support? Mexico and Latinamerica mainly spanish speaking regions

Addendum: the nature of this application has been submitted to the NEAR Dev DAO as this would be a complementary application (both applications are not mutually exclusive), in the case that both applications get aprooved the travel expenses remaining of the first application will be destined to merch and token prices to onboarded users via Near related task events and/or raffles.


There’s a lot of engineers interested on building on Web3 here in Mexico, hopefully they will come and stay on Near trough our events.


Thanks for your proposal.

Follow our new guidelines and submit your proposal in our BOS page here https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=createProposal

Council members will attend to it soon.

Again, seems your proposal is more related to devs activities like hackathon, will be great to look into devhub too, they have a special program for supporting dev hackathon.


We already submitted the proposal and we already connected Boris with the Organizers of the Hackathon to run bounties and a track during the Hackathon. However we want to compliment those efforts with Marketing Efforts, like launching a articles, merch, social media activation. And do marketing and UIUX onboarding without Shard Dog, Minsta, Sweat or Meteor. In order to have results from the MArketing efforts, translated into marketing and on-chain transactions/onboarding at the same time. Hope you understand.

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This event is going to be massive, I completely agree on the relevance and opportunity of making NEAR presence there! Please bring NEAR to México! must needed!!


Thank you for the response and the link @Bakaka
Will attend the link provided with the full list of activities designed by the team.
As @osc.near mentioned, this time we contacted Boris for the Hackathon follow-up. But we want to push Near not only by sponsoring a NEAR track in the ETHcincodemayo hackathon, but we consider this to be a @mexicohub.near project-based Marketing initiative, as we are pushing fordward On-Chain transactions, and we are pushing for user retention through merch and swag giveaway dynamics, while looking to create high quality social media content to increase the brand awareness in Mexico.


Hi @GerryAlvrz thanks for the proposal. Can you clarify a few things for me:

  • Are you currently participating in a hackathon and is this hackathon organized by DevHub?
  • Are you receiving funding from DevHub (that would not automatically rule out MDAO funds, but I want to understand the dynamics here)?
  • You mentioned a booth if you sponsor the event - is that baked into the budget in this proposal or would it incur additional costs?
  • Where do you plan to publish the content you create? At first glance, your social channels are just getting started, and I am not sure funding content production to those is going to return the value we would to see with projects’ “customer acquisition costs” (CAC).

If you can let me know about the above, that would be helpful. Also, note that we do have the bounty program for content live now. The Proof of Work bounties that will go live in February could be way to claim funds after participation in the event.


Hello @so608 thanks for your input. Of course I can clarify:

  • We are not participating in a Hackathon and the hackathon is not organized by Devhub. The organizer of the hackathon has to submit the proposal (written by @MexicoHub.near) for ETHcincodeMayo get sponsorship from Devhub.
  • We are not receiving funding from Devhub, although we are waiting approval from Boris to submit a support prop for @MexicoHub.near for organizing the partnership and assisting during the Hackathon. This is not pre-approved as the hackathon sponsorhip is.
  • We now defined and understood that the Diamond sponsorship pack includes a booth and 1 workshop, so the booth doesn’t imply any additional cost to this revised budget.
  • I agree with you that social channels are just getting started, but we see this event as an opportunity to showcase @MexicoHub.near as a new but strong community who is backed up by NEAR. The hackathon is going big on social media and NEAR appears in all branding from the Hackathon because we managed to do it, now we need to harvest those impressions and activity into our channels https://twitter.com/ETHCincoDeMayo/status/1744800952916271209 They only started with 30 media partners and they assured 50 media partners during the hackathon, all covering the tech partners. So we see it as a disruptive opportunity to grow our social media. NEAR appears as a partner in ETHCincodeMayo Web page

I just created a proposal on the link @Bakaka posted before.
Were we explain in further detail our activities off-hackathon and side-events. and how you are not only supporting social media growth but actual presence of an active community bringing NEAR to Mexico in different forms. Will post it in this thread as well, for history updating.

Thank you for sharing the Campaign Bounty Guidelines, We will revise them with the team.

NEAR Mexico Side-events at ETH CincodeMayo - Update

Hello Team, as we mentioned before, ETH CincodeMayo is coming and its coming BIG. 600+ Hackers, top blockchain solutions, 20 top universities, 50 Media partners and 6 days of side events and strong local authorities support. And we want to be part of this and we need your support for this.

We got in touch with Boris from DevHacks and we uploaded a proposal from @mexicohub.near to sponsor the Hackathon as a Diamond parter for $6,000 USD (100% goes for track prices). The submission is pre approved and we are waiting for final confirmation. Because of this, NEAR appears as partner in all branding from ETH CincodeMayo.

NEAR appears as a partner in ETHCincodeMayo Web page

NEAR appears in all branding from the Hackathon

**This proposal is to ask for your support for @mexicohub.near can cover the 6 days of the events ( January 31st - February 5th). **

We will be arriving the 31st as we have a confirmed event, where we’ll be pushing NEAR Mexico community’s growth. We have designed a framework and gathered a highly curated team, who is well known within the Web 3.0 community in Mexico, specially for building public goods. They will be helping us build the community and reach KPIs. We will be having multiple presence at different side events with swag deliveries and bounties to attract to people and create engagement and on chain activity.

We have also prepared workshops and a live demo Regen Market experience, to push wallet download, txs, and user on-boarding to multiple dApps.

Link to the luma’s event:

Link to the events description:

We are are also collaborating with 10 communities in the organization of a Side-event that consists of multiple days, and we have a confirmed participation for 2 different dates: February 1st and February 5th. In this side event, we will teach impact communities to download a Meteor Wallet and create a DAO in AstroDAO. This will help us with the user retention and on line transactions for highly engaged users in their own solution. We will also be covering IAH workshop to push the decentralized identities.

There is no Luma to this Event yet

Link to the events branding with the @mexicohub.near logo and the dates we are giving the workshop. https://metaversomotusdao.my.canva.site/solarpunk-bus-friends

For this, we are planning to take the @mexicohub.near team to cover the main event and also cover the side events. This will serve for brand awareness and to expand the impact with public relations, social media interactions (likes, comments, shares, etc.) and other activities designed by the team for this specific event, but mainly to show a strong community and start building a bigger one in Mexico.

Estimated timeline and achievement milestones:

  • Main Event Hackathon: Febraruary 2nd-4th
  • Side event days: Janurary 31st-February 5th
  • Post-event: Content creation, video editing and social media follow ups
  • Assist and host an activation at Ethereum Cinco de Mayo Event with 600 Devs registered to the Hackathon and 2,500 attendees from 20 top Universities.
  • Onboard 120 +new wallets using one-click Meteor Wallet
  • Generate 100 TX by inviting the new Wallet Users to complete missions send, swap, stake on meteor wallet.
  • Make them Follow out Twitter, Join telegram Group.
  • Drop them their first NFT to their new Wallet, to generate Extra TXs.
  • Onboard 20 new Users for Near Social
  • Get 300 new followers on NEAR MEXICO and NEAR Protocol Twitter/SM accounts.
  • Transalation of presentations into Spanish language
  • Draft a professional article in Spanish about NEAR Protocol, BOS, idOS, DA to give to the 50 media partners doing coverage of the event. Making sure they post free articles for us.
  • Generate and transfer 100 NFT for engagement, Proof of Attendance, Tickets, Devs, Community. Generate TX.
  • Grow Database of Attendees to keep the engagement through Telegram, YouTube, IG, Twitter.
  • Register 6 new Projects to Near Horizon
  • Generate 2000 impressions on Twitter on the Pictures & Videos of the event tagging near_mexico and nearprotocol.
  • Start translating Content into Spanish for YouTube Channel (BOS, Account Abstraction, NFT, Data Availability, and other updates on NEAR Protocol to Spanish)
  • Introduce NEAR Technology to 20 Top Academic Universities.
  • Use Shard Dog or Keypom to increase NFT UIUX with Web3 Community in Mexico

We need merch, swag and tokens for Giveaways and attract new people during side events. Our experience in the field says its the easiest way to attract people who are willing to do tasks to get free merch. Not only that, we are collaborating and pushing local communities to integrate NEAR as a solution within their development design and ensure user retention. We also need to pay the team who will be organizing and executing all of the activities.
We talked to Boris and he explained to us how traveling expenses work. So we revised this proposal, to leave expenses outside. Here we add an updated revision:

  • Organizing team: $3,000 (500USD per person for 6 full days of work) This equals $83 USD per day for full day job
  • Merch and SWAG (tshirts, totebags, stickers, hats) : $1,000
  • Content creation Side-events (camera man): $1,000 (3 days of side events)
  • Total: $5,000

We also think that this is a perfect opportunity to create high quality social media content and community presence and engagement and start growing our numbers on social media.

Hi @GerryAlvrz thank you for your proposal. I have reviewed and unfortunately i cannot support and i would suggest you speak with DevHub. Good luck with the event - i see that NEAR will benefit from participating as a partner.

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Thank you for your response @cryptocredit

I support your response,

Nevertheless, I would like to have a deeper understanding of the why this proposal is not accepted. As the Marketing DAO Vertical description says, My proposal is a community-Driven Marketing Campaign, it is not replacing any internal marketing effort by NEAR, nor any other companies affiliated with NEAR. And this proposal is not being supported anywhere else.

I have personally talked to Boris from DEVHack and he told me they can’t support this initiative, since it’s not fully DEVhack related. This is why I come here for support. We have confirmed events, we have confirmed workshops, but no money for Merch and SWAG and we will need to pay the team for their job.

This proposal looks to support the creation of everything the MarketingDAO vertical stands for and i quote:

  • "Growth Hacking
  • Social Media
  • Translations
  • Blogs
  • PR and Paid Media
  • Influencers
  • Events
  • Merch / Swag
  • Memes
  • Communication
  • Other paid marketing efforts"

Can you please provide me with guidence into how to tailor my proposal so it suits your goals? maybe we can revise the KPIs or budget?

Within the KPIs previously mentioned, we are pushing forward social media, translations, articles (blog), PR in multiple side events, We are onboarding micro-influencers, we appear in 2 side events, we want to have swag deliveries and merch giveaway (and harvest interaction), and much more.

There is lot of work behind this proposal, not only that I am collecting a team of high curated people who are willing to help NEAR, and we need to feel the support from NEAR in order to be encouraged and keep budling.

I really look forward collaborating with NEAR and helping expand the NEARIAN community further.

Please make this proposal count!