October Report is here.
We have received several proposals from different artists this month and are looking forward supporting them all!
Target Address : muti.sputnik-dao.near
Current Balance : 385.76
- muti.on: This month we will stream 2-4 sets in CV from different artists, names will follow / 250 USD -23.7N
- muti.rec: The Tourorists 500 USD - 47.3N (remaining 500 USD to be paid in December)
- Podcast poético: 300 USD - 28.4N
- Dichotomies and rupture: dystopian responses: 200 USD - 19N
- Ja.Yl.Son (of Lights)- “Afrika” Official Music Video 1000 USD - 94.6N
- Promotion, mastering & printing of Mark W Hyden’s Album PT 2/3 500 USD - 47.3N
- Planta a Palavra: remaining rent 250 USD - 23.7N
- Workshop on NFTs & Marketing by @starpause infos will follow 50 USD - 4.7N
- Cookies/Azulejos Design contest 100 USD - 9.4N
- Twitter Bounties: to create more engagement throughout the month, share & promote before events: 100 USD - 9.4N
- Defi/ Sustainability test: muti would like to experiment with the world of DeFi (ref finance) through the muticollective.near wallet and will document the process in a forum post 100 USD - 9.4
- Buffer (for website creation & smaller projects that might come up) 150 USD -14.1N
- Council work 1500 USD - 141.6
total: 5000 USD / 473N* (coingecko 8.11. 19:01, 1N=10.57$)