[APPROVED] MintbaseDAO February

Hey there,

Contact Name: @marianeu

Guild: Mintbase

Target Address: mintbase.sputnik-dao.near

Current Balance (NEAR): 785,221

Funding Period: February 2022

Requested amount: 5000 USD in NEAR

Report from January: [REPORT] MintbaseDAO January

For February we are in contact with several locations & people to realize a series of workshops. They still have not posted on the forum.
Locations: Plantasia, Má Língua, Espaço da Junta de Freguesia de São Vicente

People: Nick Sarafa - Login to Meetup | Meetup

We will designate a significant amount of money & energy to these events. We are working towards having a NFT, NEAR & Mintbase savy community in Lisbon, with whom we can plan many future events - ticketing, membership, redeemable beverages, etc.

Up to 2.000 usd in NEAR

  • Onboarding 0,5N - 1N per person
  • Creation of 1 store per workshop
  • Tokenization of drinks & tickets to a party in lisbon in August

For this party:

We will be able to spend 3.000 USD on that party. We are sponsoring and onboarding people there. 150 stakeholders from diverse portuguese companies will be joining and this holds great potential for near & mintbase.

We already totalled 5.000 USD in NEAR at this point

Adding to that we pretend to pay 3-5 articles about mintbase in the month of february

~600 USD

5 reddit moderators, we want to change to only 100 USD per moderator.

~ 500 USD

Onboarding of 7 Artists to Gambiarrastore for the MintbaseSunday Movement

70 USD in Near + 8.89N = 99,6 USD

Onboarding of 50 Female & non - binary folks to Gambiarra

500 USD in NEAR + 75 NEAR = 840 USD in NEAR. For the month of february just half of that value = 420 USD in NEAR

Need to pay out the rest of this initiative in Nigeria

Thinking about further events with them, optimizing the educative part.

To be paid out:

7N for winner (enough money to open an own store on mintbase)

5N second place

3N third place

Recording of all songs will cost: 70 USD

168Usd + 70USD = 138USD in NEAR

We expect to have up to 5 videos this month of february

~750 USD

Totalling 7507,6 USD in NEAR. We’re requesting 5000 USD in NEAR, surplus will be paid by the DAO’s funds.

We have rejected the following proposal

Are asking for 3.423 USD in Near. This is not possible.


Heya Mintbase crew!

Thanks for the proposal. As usual, Creatives DAO has a cap of 5000 USD in Near. Therefore I’d ask you to update the proposal so that it fits into the guidelines before it can be approved :slight_smile:

We’d also recommend applying for the Tier 2 for March to receive more funds, not from Creatives DAO but NF, which then can be distributed.
Infos can be found here


Hey @tabear thank you!

We are proposing for 5k, in February. Just showing that we need more as always :slight_smile: has been like this each month.

We know 5k is the max limit and thats okay for february. I actually have a call with rebecca next week to think about tiering & roadmap

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Great :slight_smile:

If you could just add a sentence to your budget stating that (to avoid confusion, given that NF will then just see your poll and the overall value that you have mentioned.)

Maybe add sth like

We’re requesting 5000 USD in NEAR, surplus will be paid by the DAO’s funds.

(or similar)

DONE :slight_smile: all good now? :slight_smile:

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Awesome, thank you!

This proposal follows the Creatives DAO Guidelines, so it is approved by the Community Moderators. Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO astrodao [link: Astro] so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guidelines: [New Process] Community Payouts

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Oh, i just made a mistake here: Astro sorry

this is the poll > Astro


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