Hi !
I am also a member of the Marma J Foundation.
I have a store on Paras and was thinking about minting a Marma J Foundation NFT and giving it away to team members. Work : B1 : I will design an NFT and will send it back to @chloe for review. B2 : I minted that NFT on Paras and asked for the list of team members and sent it to each person.
Personal experience :
I have experience designing and casting NFT on Paras store and here is my shop: https://paras.id/trendheo.near/collection
I am also honored to design NFT for OCTOPUS event (As a NFT gift for event on Paras platform): https://www.octopusguild.com/metaverseevent
Hey there @TRENDHEO. Thank you so much for submitting the proposal. @bianca and I were actually just talking about The Marma J Foundation having a presence on paras.id in the future.
Personally, I think that this proposal is great, aside from the requested payout amount.
Would you be open to altering the requested payout amount to better reflect the time/effort it would take to complete this proposal? (Seems like the largest cost is creative effort coming up with a design?)
I see that you have edited this value. @mecsbecs, @bianca, and myself will discuss and get back with a reply soon.
Imo 5 $marmaj for 5 NFTs would be a reasonable start. From there we could reassess the value the Marmaj community derives from the project.
I would hope that these NFTs were created with enough time and effort that they may be collected by other community members as well, in which case the entre Marma J community would also be helping to support your creativity. I know paras.id allows creators to set royalties on their NFTs as well, so please feel free to add yourself in the royalties for these NFTs which may provide even more economic benefits for yourself as the creator .
No worries whatsoever , as I stated, it’s a great idea, we just need to come up with an initial value that works for us to assess the project.
Would 5 marmaj tokens be acceptable? You can submit up to 5 NFTs as part of the project (5/5 edition or 5 * 1/1’s). That way there will be enough NFTs to send to the DAO council as well as put a couple on sale .
10 marmaj for 5 unique Marma J Foundation NFTs to be minted on paras.id seems reasonable to me. Please allow for the other council members to go over this proposal and when we have come to a decision I will edit the title of this post if it is approved .
I left comments on Telegram dm, like the first two mostly and can’t really see the last one.
Would love if the first one used the new logo instead of the old one. The second one that looks like a 3d egg, would love to see it closer but thank you could do with another attempt personally.