[Approved] Mãe Solteira Records DAO June's funding request

Project Name: Mãe Solteira Records DAO development

Project members:

Sofia Garrucho aka Astrea: @sophiatheastrea.near

Kássia Laureano: @laureana.near

DAO: maesolteirarecs.sputnik-dao.near

Funding Period: June

This month, Mãe Solteira Records has some projects under development.

We are focused on how we can get known and also to advertise Near to people in a way they trust us. The majority of people are still suspicious of cryptocurrencies.

Bringing people to the Near Ecosystem also requires to inform people what is Near Foundation, what is Web3, tell all the pros and cons and bring awareness to the dangers that this universe can bring (scamming, for example). We want to create informative content to post on our social media accounts in Portuguese so people can feel secure and have some reassurance to come to the cryptocurrencies world and to the Metaverse.

We also need to promote our label and work in the social media and on the streets so, for that, we need stickers and money for the job of managing social media and also social media ads.

We also had to increase our team and invited Luis D’Alva Teixeira to be our Financial Analyst, while Astrea is concerned with other bureaucratic issues and will thus be able to continue their creative work, as well as project management connected with Near Procotol. Luis is going to create a Near Wallet and will be onboard by Mãe Solteira Records team.

Management and marketing:
110$ - stickers
165$ - Financial Analyst - Luís D’Alva Teixeira
110$ - Social media promotion (Facebook and Instagram ads)
500$ - Social media management
415$ - Design and text for informative posts for social media about Near & Web3
1300$ - Total

Astrea is going to make a photoshoot to illustrate an interview they made for Parq with the artist Soluna.

Mãe Solteira Records is going to promote this shoot and interview, and Parq will advertise NEAR, giving its credits for funding this session and the artists will receive the payment in Near, creating a wallet for that.

Soluna Photoshoot
Soluna’s Stylist, Ana Silva 300$
Photography by Francisco Hartley 300$
Make up by Balu 100$
Soluna 100$
Production & food for the team 100$
Total 900$

Ivvi Romão [ @ivvir.near ] is a model, dancer, producer and actress. It will also be safe to call her an activist, as she has been working hard to demystify gender issues and transsexuality, and she doesn’t intend to stop there!

Ivvi Romão launches a festival to bring together and celebrate the diversity of being who you are, defending and creating space for artists and the entire LGBTQIA+ community in the Lisbon scene, in a philanthropic event where all funds will be directed to institutions and community-oriented queer causes.

The third edition of FUND FEST will take place on June 30th, with the aim of raising funds for Ivvi Romão’s genital rectification surgery. Featuring Queer artists, FUND FEST #ivvi’sIIIedition invites great personalities from the Lisbon scene to present themselves in what could be the first edition of an innovative event that mixes music, performances, visual arts and a lot of close-up.

The event will take place at Clube Bleza and Mãe Solteira Records is promoting it. We’re asking NEAR fundings to promote the event (the artists will play for free since it’s a donation event). We want to promote NEAR on this event, Astrea will be playing and will be talk to people about our currency and the stickers and the poster will have a QR code with a linktree link, where Ivvi will put NEAR on Sponsorship header, like Mãe Solteira has on it’s linktree (see the last links).

Ivvi Fund Fest #3
210$ Social media promotion
50$ Press
315$ Posters
300$ Décor
300$ Catering by Trama Collab
315$ Image capture
1490$ Total

Astrea is developing a video-game to promote their new EP. This EP is being produced based on power: abuse of power and disarmament of people that abuse, and the empowerment of people that were oppressed and now are free of abuse. It’s an electronic EP that will be released this year on Mãe Solteira Records. They already made a big advance on the making of the video-game.

We would love to have this video-game published and free for people who want to play it on a NEAR Foundation Platform. We could, in the future, make a BOUNTY to any developer of NEAR Ecosystem to create that platform.

The game will be developed at Unity, by Unity Technologies and the scenario is a sci-fi dystopian universe/planet, where there’s only a little community of ravers. The songs are being produced on Ableton Live. They already have 3 songs made, and 2 demos. The next stage is to finish the video-game adding sound on Wwise, by Audiokinetic.

Game Development
700$ Astrea
700$ Total

We also want to ask for an extra 25$ because we lost our money in a scam and we don’t have funds for the astro and Near fees.

The total of the funding request is: 4390$ = 823,6397748592871 N [conversion made on tuesday, 7th of june at 11:06pm]

After the approval, all payout proposals will be made on NEAR; members of the Mãe Solteira Records DAO council and members of the community will have the reference of 1N = 5.33$. All the artists need to do the proposal for the payment on Mãe Solteira Astro DAO.

I hope you like our monthly budget and agree with it! Have a nice month!


Cool proposal and nice initiatives!

Could you please share your latest monthly report?

Also, for the marketing costs, we have the Marketing DAO in where you can seek for the help in terms of funding.

Could you please clarify more on that? NEAR fees costs less than a penny per txn, for what exactly do you need $50?
In my opinion such amount is way too high to be used for fees.


Ok, we didn’t know the Marketing DAO exists, and yes, probably it’s better to ask for that part of the funding to that DAO.
To do the Function Call, to make transactions, Near always ask for 0.1N. We couldn’t pay for an artist on Astro DAO due to NEAR decline and we also want to upload more files to our MintBase shop. But we can come down 50$ to 25$, no problem.

Report for Mãe Solteira Records' April funding - Here’s our last report!

Thank you for your feedback!

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Hello, can you share metrics of success, how are you going to measure that the projects were successful?

Example: How many attendants to the Ivvi Found Fest #3?

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Also, from the report of the last month it is hard for me to check what you really did:

Can you share link to videos and social media engagement more clear?

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Do you want me to do it on a new topic or can I make it here on the comments? Tell us, please, the best way to show it! We can show you our statistics on digital streaming platforms and also our engagement on social media. About the Ivvi Fund Fest, you can see here on this link the party’s photographies and we sell around 270 tickets.

And why is hard for you to check that? How can we make a more organised report, could you please send us an exemple? Thank you very much!

Also, we have to put again the marketing proposal here on Creatives because the moderator of Marketing DAO didn’t aprove our proposal. And, in our opinion, it’s urgent to create content in Portuguese and English about the blockchain technology, NEAR and being a creative on Web3.
This also answers to you comment on our April Funding Report, we totally agree with what you said and we’re trying to learn about it every day. But at the same time, we have jobs, we have our creative careers aside and learning all these Web3 information in English is not only exhausting, sometimes relevant information can pass by.
This is the motivation behind our Marketing strategy for June! Having this kind of information in Portuguese is very helpful for native Portuguese speakers to understand about blockchain technology and Near Ecosystem, and having the same information in English can bring some foreign people living in Portugal and that belong to LGBTQIA+ and artistic communities in Lisbon. Is important to underline that Mãe Solteira Records has connections in other Portuguese cities, like Porto, Coimbra and Aveiro.

We also have a lot of creatives and non creatives interested in come to Near Ecosystem, because we’ve been talking about NEAR to a lot of people. And we have also new art to put on sale on our Mint Base store, but our Near wallet is empty :frowning:


Digital streaming platforms march statistics .pdf (186.6 KB) These are the last statistics we can see on our digital platforms distributor

Stats | Mãe Solteira Records Bandcamp.pdf (87.7 KB) And these are our all time statistics of Memory Palace Release on Bandcamp!

At this moment, we have 999 followers on Instagram, 52 followers on Twitter and on Facebook we have 489 likes and 536 following our page!

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@FritzWorm any updates?


This proposal follows the Creatives DAO Guidelines, so it is approved by the Community Moderators. Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO astrodao [link: Astro ] so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guidelines: [GUIDE] Proposal & Payout process for Creatives DAO
