Project Name: Mãe Solteira Records DAO Marketing strategy
Project members:
Sofia Garrucho aka Astrea: @sophiatheastrea.near
Kássia Laureano: @laureana.near
Hugo Lopez: @hugolopez.near
DAO: maesolteirarecs.sputnik-dao.near
Funding Period: April & May
Doing a rebrand not only requires new design, but also a reinforcement on our marketing strategy. For this we need:
1- Stickers to attach in Lisbon, Porto and other cities of Portugal. The sticker will have our logo, made by Teresa Rodrigues (tresa.near), and a QR code to our Linktree, where people will find our profiles, including Astro DAO, NEAR Foundation and NEAR Protocol Links, our MintBase Store, the news and articles about our label, etc!
2 - a website: in this site will have these tabs:
About: here we’ll say who is Mãe Solteira Records, our mission, goals, team, etc;
Artists: here we’ll have our artist photos and work, with links to releases or sets;
Video: here we’ll have videos published by us, link to YouTube;
Shop: here we’ll have merch and Bandcamp links;
Next events: here we’ll have our next events by date, artist and link to resident adviser;
Near Foundation: here we’ll explain that we have funding from Near Protocol, a cryptocurrency that is part of the Near Foundation and we’ll explain what is Near Ecosystem (Near hub, astro hub), as well as explain NEAR decentralisation ideologies. Then indicate that we have a Mintbase store and say if they want to create a NEAR wallet to be part of NEAR Ecosystem, they can send us an email to create it and help them with the onboarding;
Donations: here we’ll have Go Fund Me and Paypal links;
Contact: here we’ll have our contacts and emails;
3 - We want 50 t-shirts with Mãe Solteira Records and NEAR logos;
4 - We need 200€ to promote our works and profiles on Social Media with paid advertising;
5 - Social media management is a paid job, and there are already colleges giving formation for this type of job. We do this on our own, since Kassia Laureano is a writer and poet, Astrea is a journalist, a writer, a poet and a copywriter. We do the job ourselves, although, this is a job that needs to be paid. We can also put on our bio’s profiles that we are sponsored by NEAR Protocol.
Marketing: |
108.28$ - stickers |
920.40$ - website |
866.26$ - T-Shirts |
216.56$ - Social media promotion |
433.13$ - Social media management |
2544.63$ - Total |
After the approval, all payout proposals will be made on NEAR; members of the Mãe Solteira Records DAO council and members of the community will have the reference of 1N = $15.58.
I hope you like our monthly budget and agree with it! Have a nice month!