[Approved] LATAM using BOS | December’s funding round



Create a campaign to activate the NEAR ecosystem in Zealy 100% in Spanish.

Last proposals :back:

In the past, the Open Web Academy community has already designed and executed communication about NEAR in Spanish, workshops, hackathons and other activities. From here you can see the previous results:

Summary :books:

Open Web Academy is an educational DAO (see DAO dashboard ) that runs Web 3 learning programs to teach people how to develop and launch decentralized projects; He develops IRL events to incorporate new web builders 3 and promotes the creation of enabling solutions in NEAR Protocol since the last 20 months.
Now the OWA wants to scale with the recruitment of NEAR enthusiasts and builders by creating educational content for the promotion and positioning of the new tools that are incorporated into the ecosystem such as the Blockchain Operating System (BOS) and initiatives such as NEAR DIGITAL COLLECTIVE (NDC). On few occasions, the core content of the blockchain is presented in a language that is easily accessible to LATAM, which is why we have suffered a lag regarding technology and a delay in adoption.

Our team includes:

  • Nicole Arreola : Professor of software development and dev relations
  • Alan Estrada : NEAR certified developer and co-founder of web 3.0 projects at NEAR.
  • Irving Cariño : Certified NEAR Analyst, NEAR Professor and Google Lv2 Professor.
  • Zaida Nieto : engineer in business management, web3 enthusiast and Social media manager
  • +a select group of NEAR developers

OWA social networks.

Proposal :construction_worker_man::building_construction:

Create a campaign to activate the use of the NEAR ecosystem 100% in Spanish on the Zealy platform, accompanied by graphic and audiovisual material that allows onboarding new users to the NEAR Protocol.

Activities :hammer_and_pick:

  • Create, manage and promote a NEAR Protocol activation campaign on the Zealy platform on social networks, 100% in Spanish, for 4 weeks
  • 3 medium-production videos of maximum 5 minutes talking about NEAR ecosystem applications and a tutorial on how to use them
  • 3 short video versions of the previous content in vertical of maximum 1 minute for Instagram, Youtube and Tiktok
  • 2 blog posts on Medium of up to 800 words talking about NEAR ecosystem applications and a tutorial on how to use them.
  • Publications and promotion of the Zealy challenge on social networks (up to 2 posts per day) + promotion of different dApps from the NEAR ecosystem

Target audiences :family:

Blockchain enthusiasts, users of other chains and general public.

KPIs :dart:

  • Account retention of up to 45 accounts for 4 weeks.
  • Account acquisition cost: 13.88 usd per week per user (2500 usd /45 accounts /4 weeks)
  • Average number of dApps used: 3 dApps (We will select the most relevant ones in the ecosystem)
  • Accounts held more than 1 week: 30 accounts
  • Numbers of partition in near social (additional to the use of dApps):
    ** 10 posts per user
    ** 15 likes on posts
    ** 5 follows relevant accounts (We will select the most relevant ones in the ecosystem)
  • Twitter reach from 15K to 20K impressions and up to 400 direct interactions (approximate according to our latest report).

Budget :coin:

Type Distribution channel Detail Amount USDT per month
Prizes Astra ++ widget on Near.org Prizes to be distributed to participants in Zealy activations 500
Videos Youtube medium-production videos of maximum 5 minutes talking about NEAR ecosystem applications and a tutorial on how to use them 700
Blog post Medium blog post Medium of up to 800 words talking about NEAR ecosystem applications and a tutorial on how to use them 450
MKT Twitter + Telegram + Discord Publications and promotion of the Zealy challenge on social networks 450
Management - Design, management and logistics of the event + detailed reporting and compliance with KPIs 400

Total: 2500 usdt

:credit_card:Wallet for funding: open-web-academy.sputnik-dao.near


Thank you proposal.

One of the main content distros for your audience is YT, and it seems more related to the technical audience too. it will be great if you reach out to devhub to work on this together.

Again, the cost is too high, especially for YT, given your number of subscribers and active viewers.


Hi @irvingcong thanks for the proposal and your work in the ecosystem. Now that we are in V1, I am advising proposers who are a better fit for the other approved grassroots DAOs to reach out to them for funding. In this case, I recommend connecting with DevHub first as @Bakaka also suggested. Can you let us know if you have communicated with them about this initiative? Thanks!


Hi team @so608 and @Bakaka , thanks you for your always accurate comments.
I will be looking to engage in deeper conversations with the NEAR Dev Hub team.
In any case, we want to remain active in the onboarding of new users to the NEAR ecosystem, for this reason I updated the proposal so that it is aligned with December’s funding round that @Dacha published.

I hope this proposal is to your liking and the approval process can be completed. Thanks for everything and happy holidays

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Hi @irvingcong thanks for your proposal. I would echo the suggestions from fellow council to reach out to DevHub for funding. Due to limited funding this month unfortunately i am unable to support.


The constant contribution of OpenWebAcademy is impressive, and I hope it can continue with the support of DevHub :pray: