[Announcement] December’s funding round (results)

Dear Community!

During the December 2023 submission period , the Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO team received (including proposals postponed from the previous month):

  • 16 proposals
  • Total amount requested: $63 481
Proposal Link $ Requested
[Proposal] NEAR at NIGHT Twitter Spaces - Monthly Funding Request November 23’ [Proposal] NEAR at NIGHT Twitter Spaces - Monthly Funding Request November 23’ $4,136.00
[Proposal] Proof of Vibes Nov 23’ Build and Deploy Campaign [Closed] Proof of Vibes Nov 23' "Build and Deploy" Campaign $5,000.00
Near at Night - December [Approved] NEAR at NIGHT Twitter Spaces - Monthly Funding Request December 23’ $4,136.00
Near Insider - December [Closed] Near Insider - Marketing Growth | December $2,500.00
Near Korea DAO - December [Closed] Near Korea DAO Monthly Marketing and Community Growth Budget - December $3,000.00
NEKO Morning Show - December [Approved] NEKO Morning Show Podcast-Monthly Funding Request December $4,400.00
Near News - December [Closed] NEAR NEWS - December, 2023 $800.00
LATAM is BOS Creation of content about Blockchain Operating System [Approved] LATAM using BOS | December’s funding round $5,900.00
Boneyard gaming podcasts December [Closed] Boneyard Gaming Podcast/SMM budget December 2023 $1,400.00
Nearity - December [Closed] Nearity - Social media, space, graphic, promotion projects | December $2,500.00
Near Decentralized Dialogues [Closed] Near Decentralized Dialogues: Web 3 Explained" $3,645.00
Near Indonesia - December [Closed] Near Indonesia Monthly Marketing and Community Growth Budget - December $3,300.00
Chill and Shill - December [Approved] Chill&Shill December $5,900.00
[PROPOSAL] DeeDee (December) [Approved] DeeDee (December) $3,000.00
[Proposal] Onboarding Developer Event (Ghana is BOS, Accra Edition) [Closed] Onboarding Developer Event (Ghana is BOS, Accra Edition) $8,000.00
Near Media [Approved] Dec'23 - NEAR Media $2,950.00
Freelancer DAO Freelancer DAO Funding Request for [ Dec] $7,050.00

MDAO approved the funding request to the House of Merit, CoA and NDC trust:

MARKETING DAO request December 2023
Description Link Amount
Marketing (Eco) DAO grants
Near at Night - December [Approved] NEAR at NIGHT Twitter Spaces - Monthly Funding Request December 23’ $4,136.00
NEKO Morning Show - December [Approved] NEKO Morning Show Podcast-Monthly Funding Request December $4,400.00
Chill and Shill - December [Approved] Chill&Shill December $5,900.00
[PROPOSAL] DeeDee (December) [Approved] DeeDee (December) $3,000.00
Near Media [Approved] Dec'23 - NEAR Media $2,950.00
MDAO x Near Heroes bounty program
Marketing DAO Content Creator Bounties [Announcement] Marketing DAO Content Creator Bounties 9800 (It will be covered from MDAO treasure.)
MDAO operations
Renumeration (1) [REPORT] Marketing DAO Council Report So608 December $2,500.00
Renumeration (1) [Report] Marketing DAO Council activities for December - cryptocredit $2,500.00
Advisor (1) [Report] December MDAO Advisor Report $1,500.00
Social media (1) [Report] Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO Social Media Management $1,000.00
Total: $27,886.00

We recommend applying for a grant to Globe DAO:

  1. [Closed] Near Korea DAO Monthly Marketing and Community Growth Budget - December
  2. [Closed] Near Indonesia Monthly Marketing and Community Growth Budget - December

We recommend applying for a grant to Gaming DAO:

  1. [Closed] Boneyard Gaming Podcast/SMM budget December 2023

We recommend applying for a grant to DevHub:

  1. [Approved] LATAM using BOS | December’s funding round
  2. [Closed] Onboarding Developer Event (Ghana is BOS, Accra Edition)

We recommend applying for a grant to House of Merit:

  1. Freelancer DAO Funding Request for [ Dec]

We recommend participating in Marketing DAO content creators’ bounty program:

  1. [Closed] Near Insider - Marketing Growth | December
  2. [Closed] NEAR NEWS - December, 2023
  3. [Closed] Nearity - Social media, space, graphic, promotion projects | December
  4. [Closed] Near Decentralized Dialogues: Web 3 Explained"

Marketing (Eco) DAO December’s funding procedure:

  1. :green_circle: December 18 - 22nd time for proposals from the Community, updates accordingly to NDC Metrics;
  2. :green_circle: December 22-24th reviewing by MDAO councils, approval on governance forum, and creation post-request to NDC (HOM, CoA, NDC trust);
  3. :yellow_circle: December 25 -29th reviewing by HOM members ans voting on-chain;
  4. :red_circle: First week of January, in case of successful approval by HOM, HOM will pass the request to CoA to vote on-chain;
  5. :red_circle: First week of January – reviewing and voting by CoA;
  6. :red_circle: Once the CoA gives its approval, the Trustees will carry out the transaction, provided that the expenses align with the Trust’s objectives;
  7. KYC can be required for new applicants.