[Approved] Funding Request for Eth Milan 2023 - (Filipino Artist Guild)

Good day @creativesdao-council. We’d like to share our intent of participating in Eth Milan representing Filipino Artist Guild.

DAO introduction
The Filipino Artist Guild is a DAO that focuses on web3 creatives who focus on helping Filipino artists, technologists, and enthusiasts who are interested in exploring the potential of blockchain technology for creative expression. Our members have a diverse range of skills and backgrounds but they share a common vision of building on Near.


Our objective as the Filipino Artist Guild attending ETH Milan is to showcase the rich artistic heritage and talent of the Filipino community to a global audience. Through our participation in this prestigious event, we aim to achieve the following objectives:

Cultural Exchange: We seek to foster cultural exchange by sharing the diverse artistic traditions, techniques, and narratives that define Filipino art. We want to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of our cultural heritage, fostering connections between the Filipino community and individuals from different backgrounds.

Networking: We aim to establish valuable connections and collaborations with fellow artists, art enthusiasts, and industry professionals from around the world. By building relationships and networks, we hope to create opportunities for future collaborations, exhibitions, and artistic projects that showcase the synergy between Filipino art and international artistic movements.

Education and Awareness: Our objective is to raise awareness about the contributions and achievements of Filipino artists, highlighting the unique perspectives and creative expressions that emerge from our diverse cultural backgrounds. Through workshops, presentations, and interactive sessions, we aim to educate and inspire attendees, fostering a greater appreciation for Filipino arts and culture.

Professional Development: By participating in ETH Milan, we aim to enhance our professional skills, knowledge, and exposure in the global art scene. We seek to gain insights into the latest trends, techniques, and practices in various art forms, equipping ourselves with valuable resources to further develop our abilities and career prospects.

Representation and Empowerment: We strive to represent and empower the Filipino artistic community, giving voice to emerging and established Filipino artists. Through our presence at ETH Milan, we aim to inspire fellow Filipino artists, encouraging them to pursue their passions, embrace their cultural identities, and thrive in the web3 industry.

Attending to the event are myself @midofrbs and @saii

Saii (saii.near)
Saii is an artist who serves as the Social Media Manager and contributes essential insights to the planning efforts. With two years of dedicated engagement within the NEAR community as a member, NFT artist, collector, and moderator. Saii’s background in marketing and advertising amplifies their contributions, with the goal of connecting more artists with the vibrant NEAR community.

Mido (mido4bs.near) is a researcher and moderator in the guild before becoming a council member. She helps in accommodation of new artists from zero to hero (onboarding) on Near. Hosts twitter spaces to help our artists to have more confidence in shilling their NFT projects. Also the go-to person when partnering with different NFT projects for whitelists, giveaways, and cross-dao collaborations.


Increased Visibility and Recognition: The guild’s participation in event can significantly increase its visibility and recognition within the global art community. This exposure can lead to opportunities for collaborations, exhibitions, and commissions, both within and outside the Philippines.

Expanded Network: By engaging with fellow artists, art enthusiasts, and industry professionals at ETH Milan, the guild can expand its network and establish valuable connections. These connections can lead to future collaborations, mentorship opportunities, and partnerships, providing a platform for members to further their artistic careers.

Skill Development and Growth: Participating in ETH Milan can offer access to workshops, presentations, and interactions with artists from various disciplines and cultural backgrounds. This exposure can broaden the guild members’ perspectives, inspire new artistic approaches, and foster personal and professional growth.

Market Opportunities: The guild’s presence at ETH Milan can attract potential buyers, collectors, and art enthusiasts who may be interested in acquiring or supporting Filipino artwork. This exposure can open up new market opportunities and contribute to the economic growth of the guild’s members.

Cultural Exchange and Representation: By showcasing Filipino arts and culture at a global event, the guild can foster cultural exchange and promote a deeper understanding of the Philippines’ artistic heritage. This representation can challenge stereotypes, break cultural barriers, and empower the guild members as ambassadors of Filipino creativity and talent.

Inspiration and Empowerment: The guild’s participation in ETH Milan can inspire and empower our members, encouraging them to explore, take pride in their cultural identity, and continue pushing the boundaries of their creative endeavors. The recognition and validation received from participating in such an event can boost the members’ confidence and motivation.

Community Building: The guild’s involvement in ETH Milan can strengthen the sense of community among its members and the wider Filipino artistic community. It can create a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and mutual support, fostering a supportive ecosystem that nurtures and uplifts Filipino artists.

Overall, the impacts of participating in ETH Milan can be transformative for the Filipino Artist Guild, elevating its profile, expanding opportunities, and contributing to the growth and success of its individual members.

Flight cost: 1,770.80 for 2 passengers


Hey @midofrbs
The proposal for ETH Milan flight tickets has been approved by the CreativesDAO vertical.

To receive the grant, please follow the steps outlined in the guide below: Guide - Creatives Constellation Funding Guidelines.

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