Really nice post, we need to reach out the end users and marketing is an important tool for doing so.
I want to be more involved in the Marketing. I have several ideas/plans. I am also leading a Squad here in Venezuela, and I am deeply embedded in the NEAR Ecosystem: Sent you both @David_NEAR @satojandro a DM to receive more information on how to apply.
I have made a new thread to show all the work and connections on the NEAR ecosystem: [Approved] Funding for 2 Projects -> Crypto Beer and Palmeros de Chacao
The Anatomy of a Council Member
It is important to note that Community Council role is open to anyone. We encourage anyone to apply - and this is the core of the discussion:
- Who would be an ideal candidate; AND
- How can we attract them?
This area is open to interpretation but I would suggest that Council Members are:
Deeply embedded in the NEAR Ecosystem: they are simultaneously staking their own personal reputation to generate the trust required to manage large sums of money for the community AND they need an understanding of the trends, players, risks and opportunists in the ecosystem to be able to assess proposals.