Curatorship, Minting and Promotion of artworks by Nomade Label artists
Objective: based on the events and physical works already produced by DAO artists, the proposal aims to curate and mintage works, producing and disseminating the NFTs.
For this first stage, the projects of:
Amanda Leal, Daniel Carrera, Dazo and Amarina Bork
mintage projects in progress that will be supported by the curatorship:
Amanda Leal - curation and mintage of the works of the Coágulo Expo (see proposal) held in April in the space of Casa Japuanga with support from Nômade Label
[APPROVED] Curadoria, mintagem e Exposição Coágulo na galeria 3XR
Daniel Carrera - curator and editing of PROPOSTA - Produção do EP audiovisual “VCV - CRR” - Creatives - NEAR Forum
Amarina Borck - [PROPOSAL] CRIAÇÃO DE CONTEÚDO METAVERSO: desenvolvimento de linguagem ARTÍSTICA voltada para NFT - Creatives - NEAR Forum
Collection opening:
Dazo - curation and production of the NFTs from the photographs made by the artist at the physical events of the Nômade Label: EAT Tea With Cake - Conteiner Theater (April 2022) and EAT Tea With Cake - Laje SP (May 2022).
The decisions about mintage forms (creation of collections, eventual galleries, quantity of editions and the like) and the chosen platforms will be made between the proponents from research on the characteristics of each marketplace and the needs of each artistic project involved.
This proposal meets the plans outlined for the second semester by Nomade Label DAO in its Roadmap, by creating a working group responsible for curating and minting NFTs, creating collections, galleries and expositions that connect physical events to happenings in the metaverse; the selected artists: Amanda Leal, Daniel Carrera and Amarina Borck are with mintage proposals to finalize, and the curator will support them in this finalization; also selected was the work of Dazo who was present in the last Nomade events making precious records, which will now be selected to compose a collection. In the future, this proposal will unfold in 3xr galleries, virtual exhibitions and other events that are connected to DAO’s projects
Organization of the work:
weekly meetings aimed at the organization and production design, curation and mintage processes.
production of the NFTs of the selected works
Preparation of material for dissemination and diffusion on social networks
Work team:
curatorial board and production team of the NFTs
blua-discordia.near = 150 USD on DAI
amarinaborck.near = 150 USD in DAI
dazo.near = 150 USD in DAI
special guests:
daniel_carrera.near 25 USD in DAI
amandalealart.near = 25 USD in DAI
total budget: 500 DAI