[APPLICATION] Programa de Bolsas artísticas - João Correia

Name & NEAR Account ID:
João Correia @joaofran2000

Lisbon, Portugal

Social media handle(s):
Instagram: @joaofran.cc

Website/Online Portfolio if applicable:
Portfolio Joao 1.pptx - Google Slides

Artist Statement - tell us about your practice and artistic intent; max. 5-10 sentences:

My main and current practice lies on the transiction from engraving to something more material and sculptural. Thinking more about the metal plate and not about the printing itself. Mainly in the way a simple zinc/copper plate can be the final artistic product. After having done several experiments with zinc of dimensions (eroding plaques, applying varnishes, etc…) not much bigger than 29,7 x 42 I now feel comfortable exploring larger dimensions where I could explore a minimalism expression of installation and still having a very rich work on the plate itself.

Blurb of Current/Planned Project - what kind of work will this stipend allow you to pursue?; max. 5 sentences:
The planned project would be to work on large-scale zinc plates and their installation. In the physical work of the plate I will use engraving techniques on a bigger scale (Mainly etching, aquatint and dry point). The help of NEAR would be crucial to fund the purchase of the large plaques and their installation.


Thank you for your application! :smiley: We will announce the selected artists on the 30th!


Hey @joaofran2000.

Thanks again for your application! The selection process was not easy one for us. Your application is strong and well done. We thought that you did well with explaining the scope of your project and how you would use this stipend. We really appreciate your work, but unfortunately for this edition we selected Sara Mosli and João Emediato.

We used the following evaluation criteria: » Quality of Artwork » Past Experience » Fiting with Incubadora concept »Quality of application »Impact of the Stipend on the artist/project

It was a very hard decision, and we will keep your application for the next round! Feel free to add more info if you’d like or edit your post. We will be reviewing again in November.

Cheers :dizzy: :dizzy:

We would like to send you an airdrop of 4.4N for the participation! But I can’t see your wallet adress, do you have one? If not let us know and we can help you creating one!