[APPLICATION] Programa de Bolsas Artísticas - anagrebler.near

Name & NEAR Account ID

Ana Grebler - anagrebler.near


Lisbon, Portugal

Social media handle(s)

Ig. @anagrebler

Website/Online Portfolio if applicable



Artist Statement - tell us about your practice and artistic intent; max. 5-10 sentences

As a visual artist, my work involves the investigation of transitory spaces and processes through different kinds of media, such as woodcutting, photography and video art. Its lines enclose temporary territories of the urban landscape - instant-time and endless transmutation - as a metaphor where ruins and construction materials mediate a symbolic comprehension of the output of impermanence.

Blurb of Current/Planned Project - what kind of work will this stipend allow you to pursue?; max. 5 sentences

With the opportunity, I will be able to finance production materials such as inks, fabrics and papers for woodcutting and the costs of printing photographs that I already produced. And so, explore and develop more of this investigation.

Previous samples of your work - max. 4 pieces (if not already on social media and/or a website or virtual portfolio)

You can find at my website and vimeo!

29x41 cm


Hey @anagrebler

Thanks again for your application! The selection process was not easy one for us. We used the following evaluation criteria: » Quality of Artwork » Past Experience » Fiting with Incubadora concept »Quality of application »Impact of the Stipend on the artist/project

Your artwork has quality and surprised the jury, but the outcome of your proposal could be more concrete and solid. It was a very hard decision, but unfortunately your application was not selected for this edition.
You are more than welcome to apply again in the next rounds!

Cheers :dizzy: :dizzy: