Name & NEAR Account ID
João Emediato (@jmemediato)
Helsinki, Finland
Social media handle(s)
Ig. @jmemediato / @ficacalmajoana
Website/Online Portfolio if applicable
I currently use my own Instagram profiles as portfolio (@jmemediato / @ficacalmajoana)
Artist Statement - tell us about your practice and artistic intent; max. 5-10 sentences
As a visual artist, my main interests involve creative processes between graphic and performative arts, archives and language. I am a student in the Visual Narratives MA program at Aalto University, Helsinki, where I am currently developing a book called “Atlas of Work”. This atlas frames the implications between labor, images and language. Through this project I try to map the metaphors, mental images and idiomatic expressions that mediate our relationship with work/labor. Finally, I intend to lay out visual interpretations of these tropes through the combinations of photography and written text.
Blurb of Current/Planned Project - what kind of work will this stipend allow you to pursue?; max. 5 sentences
The entire content of the book has already been produced, and is currently being edited and finalized into its final printing version. With this stipend I will be able to finance the production of the “Atlas of Work”, which will include the costs of printing tests, final printing, binding, and also posting fees for book shippings. I expect to be able to print approximately 8 books.
Previous samples of your work - max. 4 pieces (if not already on social media and/or a website or virtual portfolio)
Breves Bandeiras (Brief Flags)
Released June, 2017
Conception: Filipe Costa and João Emediato