Hello Community!
You have heard the news! @chloe has transitioned back to the Ecosystem!
As you know @chloe and @bianca founded the Marmaj Foundation, a Community missioned to leveraging Web3 to support social good initiatives. Their focus will be on developing and managing projects and ventures that support the open web ecosystem.
With the Foundation in mind, Chloe has added a Guild to our Ecosystem to drive her passion and align initiatives to support the adoption of NEAR apps.
As a trusted, value-creating Guild, the NF has offered Chloe a Grant to cover the Guilds Operating and development Costs.
We are NOT losing a core team member BUT gaining a trusted Ecosystem partner who will continue to support our Astro DAO adoption efforts.
Congratulation and best wishes, you have started the path we all intend to take one day!
We know you will continue to share your passion for all things web3 with a clear purpose on social impact.