[MM] - April ? 2022

Meeting Minutes from the Marma J Community Call.
when? the last Sunday of each month

Attendance & Intro:
@chloe @bianca, @Eli22, @AshleyC, @Chluff, @sour_icky

  • Updates from @chloe:
  • more NEAR multicall testing
  • moving NFTs previously purchased from the Marma J card store, purchased from the DAO, using 3 sequential calls
  • added an additional fxn, to transfer the NFTs from the Marma J multicall addr back to the Marma J DAO
  • NEAR node is synced & working! using local node for NEAR calls
    ex: if I use near-cli from my local PC terminal, to look up all keys attached to Ashley’s acct, it won’t go thru main public RPC, but will actually check my local node.
    So if the NEAR explorer goes down or public endpoint is overused, I can still check info on the DAO, ref finance, etc. straight from my local machine. This provides an opportunity for the entire Marma J Community to have a backup endpoint.
  • Updates from @bianca:
  • working with Ashley, director of Lore, to bring to life the short story contest from MarmaJChan
  • got 2 sites up
  • Updates from @AshleyC:
  • will define what the contest is and provide a visual explanation in the tg chat:
  • collecting 30 stories ft. MarmaJChan engaging in the values of love and positivity.
  • stories should be between 500 to 1000 words
  • pls submit directly here
  • accepted stories will be posted and credited to the creator, and receive up to 10 marmaj tokens
  • if the story requires heavy grammatical editing, tokens might be deducted; but not the standard based on what we’ve received.
  • stories can be written in any language!
  • read this story as reference: Learning Curve - written by Ashley and inspired by the NFT art collected by DAO last year
  • stories accepted could be used as prompts for future creation of graphics, animation, comic books, etc.
  • Additional updates, back to @chloe:
  • MarmaJChan drawn by @bianca was inspired by a ‘visual identity for Marma J Community’
  • cool to see the creativity of community members, ie. recreating MarmaJChan inspired by other animes
  • earning marmaj is a fun incentive to learn more about cryptocurrencies, decentralized exchange
  • hopefully soon, experiment with governance, ie. using tokens to vote on stories for a book, animations, and other creative outlets!
  • if there are ways we can get on mainnet to test things out, pls let us know - we’re here to support as a community.

Announcement: our calls will be moved to Twitter Spaces, starting next week. This is our last public community call on Telegram.

Twitter Spaces ended up not working out due to poor audio recording quality. Calls will resume on Telegram!