8 shards can now produce 5x TPS of a single shard! It is not exactly linear sharding, but quite close This closes one of our Q1 goals 2 months ahead of schedule.
Significantly dropped CPU consumption, in some cases from 8 full cores to 1 full core. This was achieved by finding a bug in actix 0.9 and upgrading away from it;
Network routing table re-computation was made 100 times faster;
Throughput testing has focused solely on native (NEAR) transfers, not any smart contract execution. With 8 shards we have observed almost 4000 tps working well, where the transactions in these experiments were only NEAR transfers.
Testing the throughput of smart contract execution will certainly be done in the future. Using NEP-21 as one of the benchmark contracts is an excellent idea! Are there other contracts you would be interested in seeing tps measurements for?