[September 2021] $MYNE project opportunity: help us with the landing page and visual content

We are glad to jump in with a new opportunity for a collaboration with $MYNE. The project includes multiply group task and one for the video production.

Let’s start the collaboartion :slight_smile:

1st Task

The token explainer page

$MYNE is developing a landing page to show audiences (from Telegram and social channels) information about the MYNE token, to encourage bounty hunting, HODL tokens and in general create a good image of the token to the crypto investor community.

For the landing page we are searching people who have skills for the tasks below:

1.1 Design (banner, menu, features, roadmap, CTA buttons, footer etc)
Reward: 400 USD

1.2 Content creation (creative writing for the relevant parts of the page)
Reward: 200 USD

1.3 Design implementation (through main CMS platforms like Unbounce, WordPress, etc)
Reward: 400 USD

Some examples to get inspiration from and to get a sense of the type of output we are aiming to receive:


For more information on $MYNE utilities, refer to the document by this link.

In addition to utilities described in whitepaper, additional general utilities include staking, earning of gas fees.

Information about this is also available by this link

The task requires a Team of 3-5 OWS members. To start the collaboration DM me what part are you interested in and join to the Project.

2nd Task

$MYNE Token Explainer Video

60-second animated explainer video of the project, including professional voice-over and script creation

For more information on $MYNE, refer to the document.

In addition to utilities described in whitepaper, additional general utilities include staking, earning of gas fees.

Information about this is also available here

For information on the ITSMYNE product, refer by this link

How to start?

Write me or @Sofia_Alum on NEAR forum or via Discord nastique#5490 to confirm your involvement in collaboration or clarify questions


Hey ! I can do it !

I made the near Hispano landing page and the Meta pool landing page too and few others for the Near Community.

I am in.

FritzWagner#6722 on Discord

@Fritzwagner on Telegram

@AnaNastya my Discord is not able to reaching you