I’m thrilled to announce that from April, we are going to have new members in NxM social media team which are @Sleezy_Moss @AugustKinge!
@Sleezy_Moss will be responsible for Instagram, and @AugustKinge will be responsible for Twitter, plus they are going to work together managing NxM Telegram, working on engagement.
In order to sum up, NxM Social Media Team Chat is a place where artists can receive support in terms of their music and events using NxM social media.
I and @Monish016 are thinking to start TikTok, as our community content may be perfect for that platform, also our community members can receive good exposure.
With that being said, this is my last NxM social media report.
A quick recap of NxM social media from March 2022

In March, NxM gained 36 new followers, however, we decreased a little with tweet impressions, profile visits, and mentions based on the previous month, nevertheless, the numbers still look good in my opinion.
In March Instagram’s profile gained 12 new followers and 10 new posts.
The total engagement has decreased a little (36%) based on the previous month.
I believe that with our new social media team, NxM is going to receive bigger engagements than before, therefore I’m looking forward to seeing your work in April fam!
Payout: $400
Target: crans.near