DAOs and project members:
Black Cat Cinema DAO
Arroz Criativo DAO
Funding scheme: Once
Project: Open-air cinema, live on the metaverse!!
Links: Instagram, Facebook, website, Mintbase store.
Previously funded projects: Marketing, Poster art, Mintbase & DAO, Season opening 2022, logo and brand re-design, Estufada Artistica, June.
Finally the Black Cat is entering the Metaverse!
We will be creating a metaverse representation of our physical events. This will be the first time that an open-air cinema has ever created a metaverse platform! Black Cat events revolve around the ambience, and the vibe of the space and the people within them, even more than the film itself. We will create a space where people who cannot be there physically can get a flavour of what our events are, and bring newcomers into what the metaverse can offer.
@tabear has kindly offered to let us use Muti Collective’s [Nearhub space](https://MutiDAO-Amphitheater | NEAR Hub Online ) to host these events.
We will need to bring a camera person in to film and stream, and the Muti team have offered to take care of the set up of the space.
It will be really interesting to see how the space turns out, and what the reaction is from the public. This our first time in the metaverse, so it’s a journey of digital exploration!
28/08/22 and 30/08/22
50$ per event for Nearhub space hire and set up.
100$ per event for camera person and stream.
25$ per event time for Black Cat promotion of stream.
Total: 350 USD