[PROPOSAL] NFT Pollinator Garden Funding Request, March 2022
Contact: dandelionsandhoneybees@protonmail.com
Council Members: dandelionsandhoneybees.near
(We currently are a council of one; two people have confirmed that they will onboard by April)
Target Address: dandelions-and-honeybees.sputnik-dao.near
Current Balance: (NEAR): 5 N
Funding Period: March 2022, monthly
Requested Amount: $1200 USD in NEAR
$400 - Research and draft copy for 3 NFTs, Pollinator Pledge, and educational materials
$400 - Design and mint 3 NFTs, offer bounty (amount tbd) for artists, digital artists
$400 - Set up NFT Pollinator Garden Exhibit; research and development phase
By 4/2022
- have researched and drafted copy for NFTs etc.
- Designed 3 NFTs, perhaps minted
- Have completed research and development phase for NFT Pollinator Exhibit, with active leads for a web3 gallery space rental
Samples of some of my designs:
Background information on the pollinator crisis:
Pollinators, especially honey bees, are the animals responsible for the existence of the majority of foods that we eat. If the pollinators disappear, we disappear. Starting in the 1990s, people observed large amounts of honey bees dying off- they called it colony collapse disorder. Many scientists of integrity blame seeds treated with toxic pesticide category called neonics along with other pesticides and herbicides for the widespread death of the honey bees. Unfortunately, companies such as Monsanto, now Novartis, have used propaganda, pressure and financial incentives to sway scientists, policy makers and beekeeper organizations to downplay the serious link between neonics and the decline of the pollinator population. As a result, pollinator populations continue to decline at an alarming rate.
For those who are interested in learning more, here is a link to an amazingly informative article written by Lee Feng in the Intercept The Pesticide Industry’s Playbook for Poisoning the Earth. It’s a long read. I have also reformatted it into an easily printable pdf docPrinter Friendly: The Pesticide Industry’s Playbook for Poisoning the Earth along with an accompanying doc with a numbered list of the 100 active links in the Intercept article The Pesticide Industry’s Playbook - Links Page.
Dandelions and Honeybees DAO supports our pollinators by educating people on sustainable consumer and gardening practices. Our vision is to generate a series of NFTs that represent pollinators and other elements found in a garden ecosystem.
People who purchase the NFTs pledge their commitment to support the pollinator populations (honey bees, monarch butterflies, bats, etc.) by not buying chemically treated seeds and not using toxic chemicals in their gardens.
The NFTs are going to have a cosmic look and integrate sacred geometry, symbols, numerology, etc. Each NFT represents an insect or other element of a garden ecosystem and features facts about neonics and toxic pesticides/herbicides, resources for sustainable seed companies, green pest/weed control, and a pollinator friendly planting guide, as well as information about the lifeform represented by the NFTs they purchased. Owners will receive access to this information in text, audio and video format.
The NFTs will be displayed in a web3 gallery, called something like The Pollinator NFT Garden. There will be an option to receive hardcopy versions of the NFTs and the Pollinator Garden Gallery will eventually be featured in “real life” exhibits as well.
I’m an artist, am collaborating with one visual artist so far, and plan to offer bounties to collab with additional visual artists, digital artists, web3 designers, etc.
Thank you for taking time to read this. Here’s to resonating!