[INTRODUCTION] [approved] MUTHA Museu Transgênero de História e Arte

Olá Nears, peço a atenção de todes para esta jóia magnífica que já é sucesso na vida real e agora se aproxima com todo seu brilho e competência de nosso Nearverse: MUTHA, bem vinde! Este é um projeto necessário e completamente único e que deve gerar um movimento muito interessante no acervo do museu, na comunidade artística em outras plataformas e também em nossa própria comunidade, trazendo para o protagonismo as pessoas trans e seus trabalhos e potencialidades. Acredito que a Near/Mintbase são os parceiros certos para buscar o incentivo. Muito orgulho de terem aceitado meu convite. Vamooooosssss! :heart: L (luluca_l.near).




NearFTrans é um projeto que aposta no ativo tecnológico do momento: os NFTs, tokens não fungíveis e criptográficos que representam algo insubstituível, único e singular, como objetos raros do patrimônio material/imaterial, obras de arte, coleções etc. Os NFTs são negociados em plataformas mundiais de comércio de cryptoartes e as moedas são convertidas em dólares. Também queremos ter este valor.


NearFTrans reconhece que algumas das principais pessoas produtoras de artes digitais no Brasil são trans e sem meios de subsistência. O projeto visa emplacar o Museu Transgênero de História e Arte (MUTHA) – o único do Brasil e um dos únicos do mundo – e algumas das pessoas trans cadastradas em sua Galeria e Arquivo Artístico de Dados (AAD) no mercado de venda de NFTs da Near. O projeto deseja solicitar financiamento para o envio de itens de artistas para venda na Mintbase, criando mecanismo de geração de renda e empregabilidade para subsistência da população gênero dissidente brasileira. Além disso, o MUTHA fornecerá consultoria artística especializada a todas as pessoas cadastradas no AAD do MUTHA que desejarem ingressar na Near. E para um futuro próximo, temos a ideia de multiplicar experiências dentro e fora do Nearverse.


O Brasil é o país que mais extermina a população transgênera no mundo. Devido ao preconceito, 99% da população trans no Brasil se encontra marginalizada pelo desemprego, baixa escolaridade e ausência de acesso a direitos básicos como utilização de banheiro, nome civil, dentre outros. Pensando na situação dessa população e reconhecendo que muitas pessoas trans vivendo no Brasil desempregadas são artistas, o MUTHA decidiu ofertar suporte a essas pessoas para ingresso no mercado dos NFTs. Serão pactuados valores de venda com cada artista - uma % será de cada artistas, outra % destinada a gastos de produção e de criação visual do MUTHA e o restante será doado para sustentar o funcionamento da Associação do Arquivo Histórico do Museu Transgênero de História e Arte (AAHMUTHA), uma instituição sem fins lucrativos que tem como objetivo salvaguardar o patrimônio material e imaterial da população transgênera do/no Brasil; criar tecnologias de produção de arquivos de memórias e de dados para empregabilidade; e gerar renda para essa população nas áreas culturais, contribuindo com a retirada da comunidade dos processos de marginalização. O MUTHA foi convidado por L para integrar a plataforma e já possui obras para venda (arte 3D, ambientes VR e objetos museológicos), mas ainda não tem fundos para pagar as operações e os primeiros envios de itens para a plataforma. Após cadastro e primeira venda, o mecanismo pode se autosustentar, permitindo a abertura para onboarding dos artistes, o funcionamento do Museu, da AAHMUTHA e trazendo ao Brasil pagamentos em moedas estrangeiras valorizadas, contribuindo com a economia da comunidade trans em curto e médio prazos.

Para a Near/Mintbase, o fato de estarem incentivando um projeto em conjunto com o MUTHA é uma oportunidade de posicionamento como uma comunidade inclusiva e atenta com as necessidades deste recorte populacional tão específico e pouco apoiado. Além disso, o projeto busca tanto trazer novas pessoas quanto articular com o público trans que já está no Nearverse. Todes ganhamos juntes!



Criação da loja MUTHA na Mintbase: 6.5N
Fundo para gerenciamento da loja na Mintbase: 8.5N

Total: 15N (250USD) :heavy_check_mark:

AAHMUTHA Associação do Arquivo Histórico do Museu Transgênero de História e Arte: 1N ahmutha.near

Ian Habib: 1N ianhabib.near
(coordenação e curadoria)

Denu: 1N dddpxc.near
(mídia, produção visual e gestão de comunicação)

Total: 3N :heavy_check_mark:

Discord MUTHA 27/04 20-22h


*a combinar data: 100USD luluca_l.near
L convida e explica - WTF é nft/web3/cryptoART/metaverso? Near e Mintbase, como faz?
(+50USD bounty cada - para achar DOIS convidades trans especialistas na comunidade Near)

Total: 200USD in Near :heavy_check_mark:
[BOUNTY] CLOSED - MUTHA + L (NearFTrans) AO VIVO convidam!



Criação Discord, produção, postagem, interação, manutenção e relatórios para Twitter e Instagram

Total: 200USD para Denu dddpxc.near

[Valor total Edit/renegociado com Maria]



Onboarding de artistes do acervo, concepção e curadoria de galerias 3xr, bounty criativa (compartilhamento e interação - mkt), encontros de aprimoramento, evento de leilão.


Onboarding de artistes de outras plataformas e da Near, bounty para curadoria de galerias 3xr, encontros de aprimoramento, grande exposição na Cryptovoxels com festa de abertura, evento de leilão.



Ian Habib is a performance, dance, audiovisual, writing, curator and research artist. Author of the books Transformational Bodies (Ed. Hucitec) and Performance and Theater (Ed. SEAD/UFBA). Bachelor of Theater (UFRGS). Master in Dance (UFBA). Doctoral candidate in Performing Arts (UFBA). Teacher at the Theater Graduate Degree (UFBA) and at the Postgraduate Program in Theater and Education (IFNMG). Investigates Butoh Dance, Performance and Gender, with an emphasis on the poetics and politics of bodily transformations and changes in the states of matter, through studies on healing processes, memory, rituality and creation of beings and worlds. Won the Açorianos Dance Award 2015, the Ocupação Memorial Minas Vale 2020, the Funceb Bahia Award 2021, the Mulheres em Movimento Award 2021 and the PROAC 2021 Award. Habib created the Museu Transgênero de História e Arte do Brasil (Trangender Museum of History and Art of Brasil - Funded by the RS Cultural Trajectories Award and Palma da Mão Award), an artistic work and a set of technologies for the production of brazilian gender variance archives. His works circulated in several events and festivals (Dias da Dança Portugal, University of London/Institute of Americas, Ballet Nacional de Marseille, Latitudes Contemporaines France, La Briqueterie France, UBA Buenos Aires, SESC Pinheiros, Dança em Foco).

Denu is a non-binary transmedia artist based in Brasil. Self-tought, their work focuses mainly on 3D art, passing trought videomaking, design and sound synthesis. In an attempt to explore new languages and imagine life beyond matter, provoking our relationship between our bodies and virtuality, Denu utilizes a mix of past&future symbols to create an atmosphere of another dimension, an imaginary where organisms and tech grow together in conflict without limitations. They’re also one of the collaborators in Mutha, the first Transgender Museum of History and Art in Brasil.

Luciana Colvara Bachilli has a degree in communication and is a social media specialist, broadcaster and commercial speaker since 1996, also graduated in class 2016 at the Experimental Dance Group of Porto Alegre. Luluca L was a non-binary trans everything, dissident, contemporary, independent, experimental performer and visual artist between 2015/2020 and died to value their works. In the pandemic, they was reborn as L, post invisible amateur persona, and operates exclusively in the web3/nft/cryptoart/metaverse ecosystem. Minter at Mintbase, partner of Gambiarra, Ina and Nomade Label DAOs. Bounty Hunter on the Near forum. Also present in Tezos at Teia and 8bidou.

#NFTrans #NearFTrans #MuthaBR #NearTransVerse #TransCryptoArt


Aaaamazing :star_struck::heart_eyes_cat:!! A super beautiful and needed project!! Thank you @LulucaL, Ian, Denu and MUTHA for this awesome proposal, for thinking and really including trans people :transgender_flag: :sparkling_heart: your work is really important. I wish you all the success! Long live to MUTHA outside and inside the Near ecosystem!


Hello Nears, I ask everyone’s attention to this magnificent jewel that is already a success in real life and is now approaching with all its brilliance and competence to our Nearverse: MUTHA, well come on! This is a necessary and completely unique project that should generate a very interesting movement in the museum’s collection, in the artistic community in other platforms and also in our own community, bringing trans people and their work and potentialities to the forefront. I believe Near/Mintbase are the right partners to pursue this incentive. I am very proud that they have accepted my invitation. Vamooooosssss! :heart: L (luluca_l.near).


NearFTrans is a project that bets on the technological asset of the moment: NFTs, non-fungible and cryptographic tokens that represent something irreplaceable, unique and singular, such as rare objects of material/immaterial heritage, works of art, collections etc. NFTs are traded on global cryptoart trading platforms and the coins are converted into dollars. We also want to have this value.
NearFTrans recognizes that some of the main people producing digital arts in Brazil are trans and without livelihoods. The project aims to get the Transgender Museum of History and Art (MUTHA) - the only one in Brazil and one of the only ones in the world - and some of the trans people registered in its Gallery and Artistic Data Archive (AAD) into Near’s marketplace for selling NFTs. The project wishes to solicit funding to send artists’ items for sale on Mintbase, creating a mechanism for income generation and livelihood employment for Brazil’s gender dissident population. In addition, MUTHA will provide expert artistic consulting to all people registered in MUTHA’s AAD who wish to join Near. And for the near future, we have the idea of multiplying experiences inside and outside the Nearverse.
Brazil is the country that most exterminates the transgender population in the world. Due to prejudice, 99% of the transgender population in Brazil is marginalized by unemployment, low education and lack of access to basic rights such as the use of a bathroom, civil name, among others. Thinking about the situation of this population and recognizing that many trans people living in Brazil unemployed are artists, the MUTHA decided to offer support to these people to enter the market of NFTs. Sales values will be agreed with each artist - a % will be from each artist, another % will be destined to MUTHA’s production and visual creation expenses and the rest will be donated to support the functioning of the Association of the Historical Archive of the Transgender Museum of History and Art (AAHMUTHA), a non-profit institution that aims to safeguard the material and immaterial heritage of the transgender population of/in Brazil; create technologies to produce archives of memories and data for employability; and generate income for this population in the cultural areas, contributing with the removal of the community from the processes of marginalization. MUTHA was invited by L to join the platform and already has works for sale (3D art, VR environments, and museum objects), but does not yet have the funds to pay for operations and the first shipments of items to the platform. After registration and first sale, the mechanism can become self-sustaining, allowing the onboarding of artists, the operation of the Museum, AAHMUTHA and bringing to Brazil payments in valued foreign currencies, contributing with the trans community economy in short and medium term.
For Near, the fact of encouraging a joint project with MUTHA is an opportunity to position itself as an inclusive community and attentive to the needs of this specific and under-supported population. In addition, the project seeks both to bring in new people and to connect with the trans public that is already in the Nearverse. We all win together!



Creation of MUTHA store at Mintbase: 6.5N
Funds for managing the store on Mintbase: 8.5N

Total: 15N (250USD)


AAHMUTHA Association of the Transgender Museum of History and Art Historical Archive: 1.5N

Ian Habib: 1.5N
(coordination and curation)

Denu: 1.5N
(media, visual production and communication management)

Total: 4.5N (75USD)

Twitter Spaces or Google Meet


*to be arranged: 100USD
L invites and explains - WTF is nft/web3/cryptoART/metaverse?
(+50USD bounty to find the expert trans invitee in the Near community)

*to combine date: 100USD
L invites and introduces - Near and Mintbase, how do you do it?
(+50USD bounty to find the expert trans guest in the Near community)

Total: 300USD in Near



Creation, production, posting, interaction and reporting for Twitter and Instagram

Total: 200USD


Fixed cost for Ian Habib USD150
Fixed cost for L USD150
Fixed cost for Denu USD150

Total: 450USD



Onboarding of artists in the collection, 3xr gallery design and curation, creative bounty (sharing and interaction - mkt), enhancement meetings, auction event.

Onboarding of artists from other platforms and Near, bounty to curate 3xr galleries, enhancement meetings, major exhibition at Cryptovoxels with opening party, auction event.


Translated with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator (free version)


Yeahssss, I knew you’d like to see this project. We want you with us soon, let’s go! :heart:

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Aeee, vai rolar!! :*****

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uau!!! proposal mais que necessário, @LulucaL !! incrível mesmo!!

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Tomaraaaaaaaa @marianeu corre aqui! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Amore, obrigade pela força sempre :heart:

A ideia desse museo é coisa única, fico feliz com esse grande passo, vou até comentar com alguns amigos sobre essa iniciativa Avante… Só vamos!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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REALLY important project, @LulucaL!

I’m glad to see this kind of initiative starting to grow in our ecosystem, so I hope this project to be funded and shine on :sparkles: :star_struck:

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Vamooooooossss :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket: obrigade pelo apoio.

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I really Hope so too! thanks for the support :heart:

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Up :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::innocent:
MUTHA must be :rainbow::heart:

Que projeto lindo! parabens luluca! <3

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proyecto muy interesante

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:star_struck: thank you so much, gracias :raised_hands:

Isaaaaaaa :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Será uma honra! Também conheço pessoas maravilhosas que poderiam passar pelo onboard :two_hearts: desejo todo o sucesso e que seu projeto vá adiante e ajude muitas pessoas! :rocket::rainbow:

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Que a Deusa te ouça e a Near e a Mintbase também :raised_hands::heart:

Hi @LulucaL I really liked your proposal

I just need to understand what the 8.5n for store administration are

how many people you are expecting to onboard

what the onboarding method will be


but I feel like we will get this done!