Hey there,
Contact Name: @marianeu
Guild: Mintbase
Target Address: mintbase.sputnik-dao.near
Current Balance (NEAR): 591,3N
Funding Period: June 2021
Requested amount: 4874,02 USD in NEAR
250 USD in NEAR for
Good day MintBase community!
We have launched the Film & Music in Web3 community in Mexico City in partnership with the Near Mexico City chapter and Cine Tonala an Indi film movie theater. We had 28 people register for our first meet-up. 20 showed up. More folks told they want to come to the next one.
Right now we are doing these meet-ups once a month. Considering doing them twice a month. If a vibrant community forms then once a week.
We will be working with the theater to onboard them into…
250 USD in NEAR for
Onboarding for Photographers
Proponent: Dazo
Near account for payment: dazo.near
Project time: March 01 to April 10
Objective: I Dazo together with Gambiarra Dao have the objective to increase the number of photographers within the Near network and Mintbase.
Through this Onboarding we will increase the number of photographers within the community helping us to compose a Photo Festival that is already being developed for the month of May.
Justification: Make new photographers, and Nft photo…
± 700 usd in NEAR for
Proposed by Anastasiia Starikova ananastya.near
Near account for payment ananastya.near
Project Timeline - Launch of the app 30th June
Who we are?
Prisma is a studio and gallery space focused on developing and supporting the next generation of artists. Founded in 2020 and currently has over 400 members, Prisma is based in the heart of Lisbon, Portugal. The studio has hosted artists since 2019 and boasts a weekly schedule comprised of artistic residencies, theater, concerts, poetry readings, …
5 + 3 + 2 + (25x0,2N) = 15N for
Hey y’all.
Have you noticed that each smart contract on mintbase automatically gets a VR & AR compatible multiplayer gallery? 3xr FTW!
We wanted to start a bounty to incentivize people to mess around with the tech. Then @frnvpr appeared with the idea to make this literature-related.
The galleries we want to see here are custom galleries - but if you want to create a store for one of your stories feel free to do so.
Who can participate?
Everyone with a NEAR wallet. If you don’t have one, che…
900 USD in NEAR for up to 5 articles
After having trouble with this bounty before, we decided to only work with Journalists, or people who have experience in writing articles in english.
To participate in this bounty, you need to be a journalist or at least a experienced writer in english.
The choice of the topic is free - as long as it shines light on what can be built on mintbase & how.
You will earn different amounts of USD in NEAR, depending on what you produce. We created two categories:
Nice & easy : 60USD per 500 words …
550 USD in NEAR for Onboarding & Marketing. + 67,5N for neardrops
Olá Nears, peço a atenção de todes para esta jóia magnífica que já é sucesso na vida real e agora se aproxima com todo seu brilho e competência de nosso Nearverse: MUTHA, bem vinde! Este é um projeto necessário e completamente único e que deve gerar um movimento muito interessante no acervo do museu, na comunidade artística em outras plataformas e também em nossa própria comunidade, trazendo para o protagonismo as pessoas trans e seus trabalhos e potencialidades. Acredito que a Near/Mintbase são…
775 USD in NEAR + 6,5N for
The original workshop proposal is here:
It is now split in two separate posts since it’s been decided that two DAOs fund different parts of the proposal. The part to be funded by Mintbase is:
store creation on Mintbase: 6.5 N
instructors fee for 3 hour workshop (includes preparation and setup): 250 USD
professional video recording of workshop: 250 USD
exhibition in cryptovoxels - setup (see details below): 200 USD
** custom building of the space with the theme “Barcelona” - ready at festiva…
600 USD in NEAR for
Alexandre Macieira
Near account for payment: macieira.near
Isa Danoninho
Near account for payment: isadanoninho.near
Holding an Exhibition with 40 works of art from the MintbaseSunday Collection on 06/17/2022
Title: MintbaseSunday Collection
To show how it is possible for a project within the Mintbase-NEAR network to gather so many diverse artworks and bring artists active in the digital art market into the platform and to exh…
300 USD in NEAR for
approved! cool! let’s do it.
Just not sure if we can get the upvotes on the platform in time, i’ll let you know ok? Or should we change the methods of winning for main winner? maybe we make them list them all at 0.1 near and see who sells more?
tagging @LuisInfante and @reginamintbase for them to keep updated
Total: 4325 USD in NEAR + 89 N (550,02USD - 1N - 6,18 USD) - 4874,02 USD
Hey @marianeu , the figures for the NFT app in Prisma Estúdio don’t seem to match the topic and the proposal here. Also, for the MUTHA NearFTrans project, it seems like this is a report, and half of the project has already happened/is closed. If you could clarify these two points, that would be great!
Thank you
ooh, i tagged the wrong link for MUTHA and the values for NFT app prisma are the ones we internally agreed to pay for.
I am updating link for Mutha and actually will add another project TODAY. will let you know once its ready, ok @ted.iv ? What do you think about the prisma project? should we keep it out of the funding proposal until we are sure about the value?
thank you a lot for the feedback
June 3, 2022, 12:55pm
Thanks @marianeu , I think the prisma project is ok to include if those funds requested are a bit more directed in terms of their use.
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@marianeu do you have a report from the previous month’s funding?
Could you also tag mintbase in the proposal so that it can be found easily on the forum.
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Hi @ted.iv yes of course we do have a report:
also adding:
Hello guys! It’s waka – first dating for the web3 era. We came up with the coolest idea about a new competition in collaboration with mintbase and AMBER from waka product! You can check it out here:
To launch this competition, we need $400 + 6.5N from MintbaseDAO (to be reimbursed to mintbase2.near from where the store was created). Mintbase2 will cash out funds 400 usd of the prices, and the store.
The address of the payout proposal is mintbase2.near.
So what’s plan?
[10/06] Prepa…
@marianeu thank you for the updates and edits. Happy to say that this proposal follows the Creatives DAO Guidelines, so it is approved by the Community Moderators. Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO astrodao [link: Astro ] so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guidelines: [GUIDE] Proposal & Payout process for Creatives DAO