REPORTING this BOUNTY (All the progress of the process is available in this topic)
Project Status: Completed
Project Accounting:
We select 2 trans people in the Near community for a live meeting with artists from the museum collection interested in onboarding at MUTHA store. Those selected were @Uru AND @blusw and for agenda reasons the event took place on the same day.
We stayed together for over two hours talking about the proposed subjects and other experiences. Doubts were solved and it was possible to approach all the goods of what we call the Nearverse. This action also brought the artists to the MUTHA Discord, which will facilitate the contacts and other developments of the NearFTrans project. The reception was very interesting, there was a lot of interaction through the chat.
However, unfortunately, even with previous tests ok, the recording of the class was without audio and we really don’t know how to detect the reason why.
To replace the teachings exchanged in the live we are making Mama Blua’s Responde available on the Discord Tutorials channel. Other content in Portuguese will be made available to reinforce the meeting.
@blusw also graced us with this nft to distribute among those presents which will be transferred according to the onboard. There are 10 copies to drop.
All requests and payments have been done.
We are very grateful for the opportunity and hope to see you all next soon!