For the month of September 2021, we wanted to share an overview of the Creative’s DAO budget with the creative community so that we as the council (@chloe and I) can be held accountable.
Also, this serves to update the community on what else we are planning on funding as support and incentives for our Creative Guild Leaders.
Please also review and respond to our Creatives DAO’s OKRs for Q3 (July - September 2021), for which this budget was designed to support. This is our final budget for Q3 and we will be approaching our budget requests for Q4 differently in order to allow for greater flexibility with funding new and engaging creative communities and projects in our work as a DAO Vertical.
1: Guilds/DAOs Monthly Funding - max. 2,000 N x current 15-20 active groups
including the proposed Facilitator & Council Member Bounties - for which 600 N out of the maximum 2,000 N that can be requested monthly can have allocated toward
our number of white-listed Creative Guilds and DAOs has grown incredibly with 2 very active new groups added in July and 4 more added in August, bringing our current total active Guild/DAO count to 19 by Sept. 12.
Aim is for 20 active Creative Guilds and DAOs being supported by the Creatives DAO by the end of Q4.
2: tipBot Budget - 100 N [50 N per council member]
Estimated total = 30,100 - 40,100 N
Current DAO reserves = 10.128.01 N
Overall estimated payout request based expected Guild activity in September = 30,000 N
As budgetary proposals get approved for the month, we will be linking to them here as a summary reference point. @chloe has also kindly agreed to do weekly retrospectives on behalf of the council so there is greater visibility outside of our Telegram chat about the activity within the flourishing creative community of NEAR.
Looking forward to getting these retro’s together on a more consistent basis so that there is a clearer overview of where Creatives DAO funds are moving between the monthly budgets.
To get things started, so far for the month of September, the Creatives DAO has [APPROVED] 7 payout proposals: