Hello Creatives,
My name is Roxy; a Co-founder of Thespians DAO. It has been a wonderful experience here on the NEAR Ecosystem. Our first approved (July) Proposal was one of its kind, as we entertained the Ecosystem with a Stage Drama NFT and a Monologue Challenge.
You can check out the Report for our July Proposal: [REPORT] Thespians DAO July 2022 Report
To read more about Thespians DAO, please kindly go through our Introduction post: [Introduction] Thespians DAO
@Roxy (roxytheentertainer.near)
@Dandyjj (dandyjj.near)
In our 6 Months Roadmap to Self Sustainability, we drafted out two important approaches to help minimize subsequent costs of production:
- Having an Audio-Visual Studio Space and set ups
- Having Two Professional Cameras for Film Drama Productions, Stage Drama Documentations, Creation of NFTs and NEAR Protocol Contents.
You can read the breakdown of our 6 Months Roadmap to Self Sustainability here: [RoadMap] Thespians DAO RoadMap to Self Sustainability, July - Dec., 2022
This August, through to September; we will be saving and paying for the Thespians DAO Audio-Visual Studio Space. The budget for the renting of the Studio Space in a year is $4,000. We will save $800 in August, and $3,200 balance in September. The Audio-Visual Studio Space would be located in Lagos, Nigeria.
The Sitting Room Scenes:
We will be leaving the largest part of the Space for Sitting Room Scenes and set ups during our Film Dramas. This part of the Studio Space could also be used in creating contents that have to talk about activities going around on the NEAR Ecosystem.
We would also be creating Picture NFTs here.
The Bedroom Scenes:
We will have two rooms allocated for Bedroom Scenes for our Film Productions. Every other contents that require to be acted in the bedroom(s) would be done in these two spaces. Actors and Actresses could also change in these rooms before, during and after productions.
The Audio Production Boot:
We are going to have a room specially designed for Audio Productions. This includes recording of Radio Dramas, Scoring for our Films & Stage Dramas, Making of Sound tracks and Making of Music NFTs.
As earlier stated, the cost of renting the Audio-Visual Space is $4,000. We will be requesting $800 (almost one-quarter) for deposit payment of the rent this August and the rest in September. This will allow us to still execute our Drama projects.
First Funding request = $800
Second Funding request = $3,200
Target: thespians.sputnik-dao.near