DAO/Council/Members - Everyone
Total Requested Funding Amount: 4895 DAI
Our Introduction: [Introduction] NÔMADE LABEL DAO
Objective: The main objective of this set of projects is to build and give more strength and voice to our community of transdisciplinary artists from Brazil and the world, interested in creating art, whether performance, music, poetry, video art or other audio visual forms inside the Near Ecosystem. The budget here is intended for the production, editing and dissemination of artistic products and processes, resulting from: Artist Residencies, Workshops, Events in the Metaverse and in physical places, Assembly of Exhibitions, Festivals, Auctions, Hackathon and other collaborative processes between artists. The ethical unit of this group is the concern with gender issues, decolonialism, queer culture, experimentalism and disability studies. What we desire is to manifest all of this in the NEAR communities, Mintbase, Paras and the visibility of Brazilian NFTworld.
Justification (benefits): The relevance of this set of projects is precisely to move this large collective of artists and give them the possibility to create and think about art with more focus. This kind of movement and visibility is essential for a blockchain that needs to expand in artistic languages. Our set of projects is also important for initiating partnerships with other DAOs in the search for a self-sustainable and collaborative movement.
Timeline: JULY 7th – 31th
NOMADE LABEL DAO has more and more projects and we encourage new members in our group to propose their ideas and to be more active.
In June we had the honor to have the following projects quoted on the report bellow:
[CONCLUDED] NOMADE LABEL DAO Funding for June 2022
Find below the projects that the NOMADE LABEL DAO has outlined to July:
1 - Maquina de Inscrever - 500 DAI
2 - July/August 2022 – Cultural event to launch payment in crypto-currency on the Talk Away platform - 775 DAI
3 - Ocupação Casa Japuanda com Fly Goa - 350 DAI
4 - GUME RECEBE Fly (MOBIDANCE) Julho 2022 - 550 DAI
5 - Tenda Nômade - DDD NL CNLVC Physical Event in São Paulo - 720 DAI
6 - Ocupação Nômade no Ap da 13 / Ocupa13 - DDD NL CNLVC Physical Event in Curitiba - 1000 DAI
7 - council roles 5x 200 DAI = 1000 DAI
Total budget amount: 4895 DAI
manutegus.near, ritamaria.near, gabrielfelipejacomel.near, filmesdeinfiltracao.near, blua_discordia.near
zydron.near, dazo.near, palomaklisys.near, fernandapaixao.near, amarina_borck.near, amandalealart.near, alinedaka.near
pinkalskyy.near, flygoa.near, motolove.near, l3v1at4.near, casajapuanga.near, leticia_esposito.near, daniel_carrera.near, mauricio_matel.near, cerejaazul.near, bbcmd.near, bagadefente.near, tayolua.near, denisenuvem.near
Filmes de Infiltração
twitter: @de_infiltracao | Filmes de Infiltração
Greetings to the community