Filipino Artist Guild is a community Of filipino artist in near ecosystem.
Our objectives is to help Filipino Artist become well-known in society,to educate them in Near Community and to help them develop thier abilities.
Our Goal is to become one of the Best Supporters of Near and Creatives.
This February is our First Month, And we planned to make it happen Starting February.
Guild Name: Filipino Artist Guild (FAG)
Guild Leader: @Ligaya
Council: @vanengs @kc_sollano @blitzstein1125
Guild Location: Philippines
As the council discuss for our upcoming Project i would like to request the Funds for our upcoming Projects,
Here are the summary listed below:
Artist Of The Month $100 Filipino Artist Of The Month Overview
Weekly Art Contest With different Concept Every Week
$85x4 week = $340
FAG Will Collect 3 NFT in Paras Market every End of the Month ,
I already Contact Afiq of Paras About it.
3 NFT = $100
Love Month Art Challenge [Draft](STANBY) Love Month Art Challenge
Twitter Space Using Filipino Artist Guild Twitter 1
$50x4 Weeks
Funding of New Near Wallets( For Near Wallet Activation)
0.2 Near x30
Proposal For Telegram Sticker Pack Telegram Sticker Pack
Council $540
I would Like to Request also $60 to be deposited on NearBot for telegram tips.
TOTAL: $1800
Guild Sputnik-DAO Address: Filipino Artist Guild on AstroDAO 2
All are Welcome to join Us to talk and see our Projects and Meet The Filipino Artist.
Filipino Artists Guild Telegram
Filipino Artist Guild Twitter 1
Our Goal is to Showcase the Talents and artworks Of Filipino Artist Thats why we do have a Lot of Art Contest/challenges.
I also Updated our Roadmap from Our Guild Introduction Post.
Thank You So Much And Godbless