[Announcement] Postpone Creatives DAO Grant

Dear community,

Since its establishment, Creatives DAO has been a unique & vibrant community that supports creators & artists around the world to explore and engage with the NEAR ecosystem. Our first guide for Creatives DAO funding was introduced in May 2021. Since then, the Creatives guidelines have been constantly improved to adapt to the changes and development of its community.

With the increase in the number of proposals & existing drawbacks of the current reviewing process, there are challenges and the need for more completed guidelines to address the issues related to the review of proposals and reports. Therefore, we have been asked to stop funding new proposals until the following are established:

To facilitate this, we also call for community participation in shaping Creatives DAO by joining the discussion at [Community Discussion] Achievements & Problems & Further Plan

Thank you very much for your understanding and support! Your voice is essential!

Creatives DAO Moderators


The Decision-making system must be robust simple and automatic with smart contracts on a pro-rata basis of success metrics.

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