Announcement: Acknowledgment and Roadmap <> NEAR Model of United Nations

Hi, community. Happy New Year to everybody :sparkles:

I hope this year comes with full successes and benefits along the NEAR Community and the guilds.

Without further ado, we want to express our deepest and sincerest thanks to NEAR Foundation by supporting NEAR MUN, this kind of project that we are working on since 9 years ago, is one the of the greatest gateways in order to discuss and know about NEAR, his protocol, and his community academically speaking. That is why we consider delivering the first edition in Venezuela (that is one of the largest countries that their students - from college, university, and high school - are involved in this type of extracurricular activities), then, developing a strategy of sustainability, in the long term, we can consider performing MUNs along with the world with the flag of NEAR as main sponsor or entity of support.

Also, we want to express the constant interest and exceptional help and support of @jlwaugh who with @David_NEAR drawing the necessary path to financially assist this project.

Likewise, the assistance of all our guild (near-venezuela) and specially @FritzWorm who also worked on this proposal, is quite thankful too.

That’s being said, we started this project with the following structure and organization chart:

  • @medicenmariale: BA in International Affairs, Specialist in Human Rights, International Law and Culture. Entrepreneur and social volunteer. She will serve as Executive Director of the Project and General Secretary of the First NEAR Model of United Nations - Venezuela Edition

  • @Nicolasp2: BA in International Affairs, College professor, a specialist in Academic activities, and recently in Social Media. Member of the NEAR Venezuela Council, and Director of “Fundate” Foundation. He will be in charge of the academic body of the model and will act as Academic Manager of the NEARMUN.

  • @LuisAponte99: BA in International Affairs, Director of the Government, Politics and Social Affairs of the Multilateral Chamber of Commerce and Cooperation ISRAEL-IBEROAMERICA, Account Manager at, Leader of the NEAR Venezuela Guild and other projects involved in International Trade. I will act as Operational and Alliances Manager, looking for partnerships in the different fields.

  • Prof. Maria Angelica Villota: Degree in Chemistry, Director of Washington Academy, owner of CC Education Group and specialist in middle-high school in Venezuela and college counselor of new universitarian in Europe and US, especially in SPAIN. Internationally certified as STEM-STEAM teacher.

Soon, we will expand our approach of actions with more members into the projects as we discussed at the First Meeting of the NEARMUN Project (photo below)

By this, we conclude the meeting designed the Roadmap and Schedule of Activities, Actions, and Tasks to perform the model hopefully (if the pandemic allows it) in the first days of March 2022.

(subject to alteration)

In this sense, we will report periodically about the tasks delivered properly and the actions done without any further issues.

PD: I submit the Logo of the NEAR MUN. Enjoy it! :united_nations: :united_nations: :world_map:

Luis Aponte :rocket: :goat:



Sweet update, best of luck with this - sounds super neat! :tada:


Thank you @David_NEAR

We will keep you all posted about the new updates regarding this project

Luis Aponte :goat: :rocket:






We are definitely very proud to be part of this fantastic undertaking, in this case with the thank you post. We continue to advance week by week! :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face:


This project promises a lot, the youth must begin to educate themselves in Blockchain matter


Remind the community that this is initial planning. Let’s go straight to success! :star_struck:


Excellent project. :100:

Good luck and success. :clap:


Really excited about this wonderful project. This is an incredible opportunity to engage innovation and education. There is no doubt that it is going to be full of quality.


I’m so excited, I can’t wait :grin:


Hi @LuisAponte99 :wave:

Looking forward to the NEARMUN. :heart:

Since the moment you’ve pitched this, @theChosenOne and I are extremely excited to see what this brings. I’ve attended a couple and this is a very exciting take on MUNs, which really made me wish I could join as a developing nation to help boost the geopolitical nature of the world to a larger conversation that’s helpful for the youth.

Anywho, DevGuild(@theChosenOne & I) are working on the NEAR Meet initiative(NEAR Meet | NEAR Wiki) and we would love to help you market the event, discuss it and see if we can document it to help more organizers do it. Would you be open to jumping on a call soon and discussing this?