Stan @NearProtocol
Weekly Report 08/15 - 08/29
REDDIT main tasks which were covered:
- Interact with various posts that members liked and engaged with.
- Report and Ban bad actors.
The last 2 weeks gave a huge push to our Reddit, we almost had the same amount of interactions we do in the month, in just one week!
It was mainly caused by the bullish rise of NEAR price, this created a lot of new space for new investors, enthusiasts, and content creators.
As we can see, we grew by 200 members in just one day (on August 12th) when the price started rising, this is a huge increase if we put it against our average monthly new members which are around 150!
So far this was the greatest month we had, we had a boost of around the 100% in any aspect, we had more than 23k page views which is an amount we usually reach in 2 months.
With this huge increase of new members and interactions, we also received a lot of inquiries from really talented artists that want to make part of the Near NFT world, also new developers and content creators that crafted tutorials/memes/info posts creating way more engagement than usual.
To be improved:
- The mod Bot, some really helpful and engaging posts with a lot of up-votes end in the mod queue cause someone commented with words such as “buy, dump, sell, etc…”, i think some sensitive word should be removed or new rules should be applied to the bot.
The official CM workflow has been implemented by various moderators and has been found helpful.
New docs that are getting implemented soon:
- Official Daily report form - the form has been ideated to check and track what was covered during the day, also to hear any tips from our CMs to improve the overall efficiency. Will be implemented from the 1st of September.
- FAQ page on our WIKI Page - with the help of other moderators we managed to create a file with the most common questions and useful links which will be implemented on our wiki page by mid-September.
What else I’m currently working on right now?
- I’m talking with some talented NFT creators that would like to make part of our Near verse.
- Working on a learn and earn campaign (similar to coinbase) which will help to reach new members that will be rewarded.
- A marketing campaign.
Stan - Near CM