[Wallet] Solving double spending on initial wallet funding from moderators

Hey NEARians,

I hope you all are well!

Recently we’ve been getting more requests from community members asking us moderators for $NEAR so they can activate their wallets.

We have noticed that some are using addresses that are older, so not recently been created.

Of course, this is not the point, as our support is only concerned with the $0.16 $NEAR that comes with wallet creation.

So that we moderators can immediately determine whether someone with this address has already requested another moderator to fund the wallet, I have created an Excel spreadsheet.
In this, I ask each moderator from the @ConciergeTeam to enter the details when someone asks for funding of the wallet.

The list is designed so that if you enter the Initial Funding address and it has already requested, it will be highlighted in red.

Here is the link to the sheet: Wallet Funding Sheet

If you are in the Concierge Team and moderating one of our channels on any platform, please ask for permission to get access to the sheet.

I hope this will help us detect cheaters faster.

If you have any questions, feel free to post in the comments!

Cheers! :clinking_glasses:


Hey @rahulgoel007, that’s what I meant. :slight_smile:


This is a great one @Kemal.
Many people have been doing this to later transfer tokens to a single wallet.


This is a great Initiative @kamal, it will help a lot of people in the community.

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