Mid-Month Moderation Report [Squazher]

Hello Near Community. It’s been a pleasure so far interacting with the community. As a Moderator, Onboarding users, solving issues, directing users to the appropriate contact and keep the channel orderly.
Also, as member of the Channel Ops, with the leadership of @KriptoRaptor , making sure all three channels, Telegram, Discord, Reddit all function properly to avoid bad communication and breakdown in these Channels.
Mainly, my primary moderation Assignment is Discord.

Onboarding Users.

Most users do have this initial funding of their wallet issue, especially users from US. They find it difficult to deposit into their initial funding address. Mostly, directing them to OKcoin CEX works and a few times, I onboard them by sending them the 0.1N required to activate their wallet.
I think there should be something like a faucet, since paras has been down for a while now.
Here are few users onboarded.

Another User.

Scam Site.

Moving Forward to this scam site that is going about. A user was very vigilant and came to our discord channel to verify it, fortunately I was able to tell the user it was a scam site. And I also reported to @David_NEAR , which he said would be taken down as soon as possible.

here is the scam site link for more clarification, “https://near3x-event.org/#

I also have been working on this idea for a weekly contest, event on Near Discord which will be tagged ‘WedNearsday’, which will take place every Wednesdays, the aim is to keep engagements running week in week out on Discord. Watch out for the proposal in the coming days.

Finally, I’ll thank my fellow Mods for diligence and always readily available in case of any confusing situation. @HaiVu @GeorgePro1 @Benz_Near @simeon4real and all others.
2022 is Near!


outstanding performance on discord @Squazher thank you for the report

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Well done mate!! It’s nice working with you. Continue to do what you are doing. I have a some proposal I want us to work on, I’m coming to your DM. :sunglasses:

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Eagerly Waiting for it!:star_struck:

Great work on Discord mate! :smiley:

Yeah it’s a common issue with US people but since today Binance US listed $NEAR ,we have another option to redirect users to!

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nice to work with you bro! Always got my back in Discord! :beers:

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