Travel expenses to take PachaVerse DAO to Daoist in Mexico City

Hola Marmaj family!

My name is Daveed Benjamin.
My NEAR account is pachaverse.near.
I am requesting funds for travel expenses to attend the Doaist conference in Mexico City in early March.
The address that will be the “target” of the payout proposal is pachaverse.near.
Total Requested Funding Amount $21.19

What tasks the funds are required for:
To attend this event: The DAOist 2.0
Round trip Bus to Cancun from Tulum $32
Antigen Test $30
Round Trip Flight from Cancun to Mexico city $150
Lodging in Mexico city 3-6th: $150

A timeline and milestones for your project.
Arrive in Mexico City March 3rd
Attend event March 4-5th
Meetings on March 6-7th
Return to Tulum on March 7th

How the completion of the tasks outlined supports the Marma J community.
PachaVerse DAO is a impact DAO inspired by Marma J foundation to launch on AstroDAO. I am setting up on AstroDAO now. I will attend the event, hopefully have an opportunity to speak, and do a lot of networking. As I am promoting my work with the PachaVerse DAO, I will inform people about the Marma J DAO and the opportunity for local communities to receive information and support for launching social DAOs.

Hi Daveed,

Thank you for sharing this proposal with us! It sounds like the Daoist event in Mexico City will be a great opportunity for you to promote the PachaVerse DAO. We are so glad that the Marma J DAO has inspired you to launch on Astro- it’s a great platform.

At this time, our council has decided not to approve this proposal as we generally do not cover travel expenses and attending events. We wish you the best of luck at this event, and a safe trip!

cc: @chloe

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