Dear Dacha, where did you found this numbers? Why we have to answer on fake based information? For example, 1 office cost was 150$, Salary of 500 Near was at that moment 1165 $.
We sold this company long time ago to our friends. They are one of those local businesses that are ready to accept near as payment. And its not Frori, its Flori
Not true. Please, show me where I was â demotivative and negativeâ. Iâm asking simple questions.
I think this kind of sarcasm is totally inappropriate in a thread where funding is discussed.
@David_NEAR, who is part of the NEAR Core team if that matters to you (although I like the idea of everyone has an equal weighting in the community), gave an exact list of questions that went unanswered, which caused the discussion to stagnate in another thread, and asked for answers.
I would like to see these answers too.
âItâs fakeâ is not a kind of answer that can help solve the issue. @Dacha has provided you source of this information, If the information there is incorrect, it would be great if you could provide the correct
We sold this company long time ago to our friends.
So why do you keep listing this company in your structure?
I appreciate any initiatives at NEAR that help the ecosystem grow, including yours.
But Iâve read few reports and funding requests from you guys (@INFINITY and @Melody), and sometimes itâs really hard to recognize what are you requesting funding for.
Correct information is in the previous proposal
[quote=âgarikbesson, post:45, topic:6745â]
So why do you keep listing this company in your structure?
[/quote Everyone has equal rights to be ready to accept Near as payment in Mukachevo. If new owner of company Flori wants it, its good for community.
Does it mean you pay this company for accepting $NEAR as payment?
Good to hear it!!! I propose to unite our efforts. I create telegram channel, where all members of guilds can join, and shill there all important tweets/insta/facebook posts. So we can make a real âtsunamiâ rt in twitter and support posts in other social media. Also, everyone can follow each other in twitter,etc., support each other and discuss our goals for growing and popularization of Near protocol and Near community Telegram: Contact @UniNCshill We support every company in Mukachevo, so they can have inspiration and make branding in their stores with Near logo's, etc. 
Ok. As you know, we didnt get funds from that proposal. Dacha was asking about that month (august), when we got funds. So, 500 near of salary was 1165 $ on that moment. And 150$ for each office. Thats why i said that its incorrect information he provides. For next month we requested (sorry if i dont remember exactly), 4125 near. 2125N for City Node and Valentinâs group of creative members, and 2000 for art.sputnikdao.near. Illya paid 3000, so we made payments to all our members, and asked councils to reject recent proposals.
Where did you request this? Can you shoot me the link, please?
I think it meant the 2000 + 2105 NEAR
Report for the past month and budget for the next. From melodynft.near - 2000
đ´ Mukachevo City Node budget and grant budget for next month - 2105
A small error in the calculations, the total amount, as I understand it, is 4105 and not 4125 as Melody claims.
Iâm just reading this topic, very interesting
Thanks for clarifying
Yea, i dont remember, as i said) anyway, it was rejected. So its no sense to discuss it)
Can we just close a discussion of the proposals, that was already rejected?
For clarification, the proposal here:
It wasnât rejected. There wasnât sufficient discussion and the Illia paid it. Just to make things clear
I was just trying to understand what was being discussed in the video you shared in this response
I see what you mean. It was rejected, when we made proposal where we united our budgets, Valentin and me. Councils asked us to separete them. Than we separeted it, and we saw 2 rejections on my proposal, and 1 yes and 2 no for Valentinâs. Than Illya paid 3000. There was so many misunderstandings, also because of our language barrier. I hope in future we will fix it.
In video was discussion where Anna Voevodina and Dmitriy Nikolayevskiy, which take part in writing the law about crypto. We have contact with them, and they like our Mukachevo project and want to help with it. They came to Rainbow bridge Meetup yesterday also)