[REPORT] VR-DAO / 3XR - February Marketing Report

Project Name : VR-DAO

Project Status : [In Progress]

Project Accounting : Budget was requested in here and approved budget for the next 3 months.

2400$ → rosario.near

Updated Project Timeline : February 2022

Highlights :

Metrics for the VR-DAO Social Media :

  • Twitter : Comparison of JAN 2022 and FEB 2022:

    imagem imagem

Statistics growth in comparison:

  • Tweets : - 7 → 47% Decrease
  • Tweet Impressions : - 4796 → 82% Decrease
  • Profile visits : + 34 → + 3.3% % Increase
  • Mentions : - 14 → + - 63% Decrease
  • New Followers : - 27 → - 67.5% Decrease

Tweet Impressions comparison specific from JAN 2022 and FEV 2022:

  • Summary Growth of Impressions and Tweets Comparison Statistics JAN 2022 and FEV 2022:

Final Metrics:

  • Followers → 190
  • Tweets → 115


Initial statistics begin at the 1st of February and end at 28th of February.

Insights Overview :


While we increase in followers, we had a decrease in engagement because the DAO itself is being restructured and needs to push more personal projects both in the Forum and with the community.

Final Metrics:

  • Posts → 32
  • Followers → 131

VR-DAO Summary Review:

A steady work, but we had a noticeable decrease in the statistics and number metrics, being the DAO is currently under restructure and most of the members are concentrating their work in the 3XR Project. This should improve and get better when the Council members are more stable and new projects onboarded.

Metrics for the 3XR Social Media :

  • Twitter:

Comparison of JAN 2022 and FEV 2022:

imagem imagem

Statistics growth in comparison:

  • Tweets : - 31 → -58.49% Decrease
  • Tweet Impressions : - 7700→ -42.07% Decrease
  • Profile visits : - 2958 → -28.44% Decrease
  • Mentions : - 175 → + -62.05% Decrease
  • New Followers : - 107 → -71.33% Decrease

Summary Growth of Impressions and Tweets Comparison Statistics JAN 2022 and FEV 2022:

Final Metrics:

  • Followers → 922
  • Tweets → 348


Instagram was fully reconstructed in terms of design usage for the posts and now is more slick and enjoyable to read. It gained some traction but still an ongrowing task.


Initial 68 Followers → 90 Current Followers = 32.35% Increase

Final Metrics:

  • Posts → 14
  • Followers → 90

3XR Summary Review:

The 3XR Project is growing as expected and creating a an engaged community. Even a decrease in the growth, that also as expected can’t be infinite, it still was steady growth and the general audience was engaged and liking the features and redesign. We expect a lot of stuff from this project.

Learnings :

VR-DAO itself was self-explanatory, without more projects coming in and a major push from the DAO, the community is growing and communication open, but we are still lacking inbound of new projects. I am currently waiting on the resctructure of the Council and the DAO so it’s easier to present projects to the community.

3XR needs a constant push with all the new galleries created and features planned, with community engaged in the creation of their own galleries while deploying different types of media so we can demonstrate a lot of new use cases.

Next Steps :

Wait on the restructure of the VR-DAO and expect new projects and way’s of comunication to come.

3XR is now prepared to have more enganging posts and communication. We are preparing also some special events and more marketing measures to even better grow our community.

The presentation happening this month specificly in Virtual Reality in the 3XR: [Science fiction short story to be presented in 3XR]


Tagging VR-DAO Council @microchipgnu @sainthiago @nico and @marketingdao-council to review this report.

Thanks any further discussions please bring them up and sorry for the delay in this report.

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Hello, As the insights submitted here for the social media, I see the engagement dropped drastically so how can we say it as engaged community?

I am eager to know what might’ve been the reason for such decline :thinking:


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I also noticed this drop, but specificly the 3XR project has seen a major engagement in January because of a few articles written by NEAR Protocol itself in Medium on January 19 and spread the following day’s, with a major feature introduced called CreateThing, shared throught the social medias that had a great impact because of the reach of NEAR Protocol itself, which this month the article and sharing didn’t happen as it was a once upon a time event.

If this month was measured against December the growth would have been normal. January itself was a spectacular month in terms of reach, majorly comming from this new feature being announced.

You can see bellow in the stats specificly from January, which was the month that this report has in comparison.

Top Tweet:

February Comparison:

As you can see in the graph bellow the impressions were more stable and didn’t had such spikes multiple times. Only with the announced of our rebranding like reported as the highlight of this month.

As a measure to help grow our marketing more and making our reach bigger we are now integrating more collaborations with bigger projects and a few announcements to be made soon, that should help our community to grow even bigger.

Any more doubts please do ask! @zubairansari07


Thanks for the detailed reply. I understand that the January impression is more due to collaboration stuffs which didn’t happen in Feb.

Seeing this I guess you can have such collab or engaging tweet that can give a good reach. That would be the way to keep the account’s impression intact and growing! :slight_smile:

Reason for making engaging tweets is because if Twitter sees this decline in engagement compared to the previous months (No matter the reason), it will label the account as non engaging, making the reach dull.

Good luck for the next months! :star:


Thanks for the quick reply and analysis also! We just had a few meetings and are working on getting more exposure and the engagment flowing, with more news incoming about awesome new features.

I will be posting the next reports which should be more refreshing and with better metrics. :grinning:

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