Hello all
Project Name: VR DAO
Project Status: [ in progress ]
Project Accounting: current account balance 106N
DAO vr-dao.sputnik-dao.near (already on astro)
Updated Project Timeline:
After several months of having Incubadora DAO members be a part of the VR DAO, it’s time for the newer members of the Council to take the DAO to new hights.
This is the last month of the current projects, and in April all proposals will be new proposals.
During the month of March, @frnvpr will stop being council, and will only help the remaining council if they need it.
Also, it’s important to say that @JulianaM is no longer council: [announcement] VR DAO Council changes
** Council member @sainthiago has worked 80h on 3xr.space.
His report:
- fix royalties error not adding enough royalties to the creator of the gallery
- added a key in the recent galleries list
- fixed local storage problem in the success page after minting the gallery/creating a gallery proposal to a DAO
- fix problem with long names in gallery info card from creatething landing page
- fix max width problem in available templates component in creatething landing page
- build of the new 3XR database
- refactor in assetPlaces for the gallery templates
- build of an admin backoffice dashboard to add/removed featured stores and featured galleries
- update endpoints in create.3xr.space and in 3xr.space
- work in the middleware for admin controle
- mapped all asset places for every gallery template
- mapped asset places for the new near hubs templates
- add custom initial position for templates
- meetings
- documents for 3XR
- test the app and find new bugs
- brainstorm of new ideas
** Council member @microchipgnu has worked on developing several features on 3xr.space. plus purchased 3D virtual settings to be applied in 3xr.space virtual galleries.
It is with great pleasure we show the result of the last months efforts to the community: https://create.3xr.space/, a tool for minting NFT galleries as NFTs. This project will continue growing exponentially in the next weeks and months, stay tuned!!
** Council member @frnvpr developed the last month of a project to showcase a short-story on 3xr.space. [Report here]
*** Following previous discussions, 3xr is applying for a grant, what will allow the VR DAO to explore different projects in the ecosystem.
Next Steps:
**** @nico and @nearestchico will, after being idle for academic reasons, take most of the responsibility moving forward.
**** Continue growing on social media with the help of @TRosario .
Contacts and useful links:
Our TG channel is open to everyone who wants to engage with us and explore new VR related projects and ideas. Meet us on TG Telegram: Contact @vrdao
Find also 3XR on twitter https://twitter.com/threexr_ 1 and discord Discord
Thank you all.