[REPORT] VR DAO January report

Hello all :slight_smile:

Project Name: VR DAO

Project Status: [ in progress ]

Project Accounting: current account balance 221N

DAO vr-dao.sputnik-dao.near (already on astro)

Updated Project Timeline:

During the month of January, we focused on developing 3xr.space and continuing efforts in growing our social media. We are also discussing with NF various possibilities about the future of the current projects.
For the month of February this efforts will continue, and we plan to change the focus, beginning march, to more community-based proposals.

Also, it’s important to say that @JulianaM is no longer council: [announcement] VR DAO Council changes


** Council member @sainthiago has worked 80h on 3xr.space. [report here ]

** Council member @microchipgnu has worked on developing several features on 3xr.space. plus purchased 3D virtual settings to be applied in 3xr.space virtual galleries. . [Report here ]

** Council member @frnvpr developed the second month of a project to showcase a short-story on 3xr.space. [Report here ]


*** Following previous discussions, 3xr is applying for a grant, what will allow the VR DAO to explore different projects in the ecosystem.

Next Steps:

**** Will continue to look for more council members, ideally with a strong VR background and/or interest. The ideia is to have some sort of turnout from current council members to new council members. An open call will probably be created.

**** Will expand its scope and influence in the community, using the new instagram and twitter accounts to push for more members and general engagement.

Contacts and useful links:

Our TG channel is open to everyone who wants to engage with us and explore new VR related projects and ideas. Meet us on TG Telegram: Contact @vrdao

Find also 3XR on twitter https://twitter.com/threexr_ 1 and discord Discord

Thank you all.