[REPORT] Travel podcast - January

Project Name: Travel Podcast

Project Status: [In Progress]

Updated Project Timeline: First 3 episodes completed (January)


During the month of January, I worked extensively on editing and correcting the small/medium imperfections of the first 2 episodes – since they were the first ones, I realised they needed a lot of work – and then I created the third episode (which will be called #Episodio 2), that is somehow slightly different than the previous one: I wanted it to deal more with “the art of traveling” in itself, being like a sort of manifesto of my podcast.

This happened quite naturally, as the book I chose to speak about in this episode is Nicolas Bouvier’s “The way of the world”, in the Italian translation.
Besides being adventurous, the book is also rather philosophical: the author includes profound and thought-provoking insights about his traveling life and ways of living.

That is why I also wanted to give more space to the music I composed for this episode, being rather introspective and inviting the audience to some kind of theoretic reflection.

So, I first wrote the script, where, as well as for the other episodes, there is always a distinction (in terms of sound) between the narrating voice and the quotations I took directly from the book.

Then I recorded some of the sound effects I wanted to use to help the audience dive in the story and visualize what is happening all along the narration.

Finally I composed the music pieces and carried out all the long editing work, mixing voice, music and sound design.

I also wrote the script of the fourth episode, which I wanted to be ready earlier but I preferred to dedicate more time to the editing part of the first 3 episodes, as they will be crucial to gather the interest of the audience.

Since the time of the launch is approaching, I also made a lot of research as far as publication and promotion are concerned, figuring out exactly in which platforms I am going to launch the podcast and how, the best way to promote it, and I also spent some time doing a sort of “market research” investigating whether people in general would be interested in listening to this kind of podcast and who my target audience should be.
Apparently, I found out that this work would be particularly appreciated among digital nomads and people who would like to change their career and start working remotely in order to dedicate more time to themselves, to read and to travel.

In addition to that, I worked with my favourite graphic designer and we came up with the following logo, which I am very happy about, as it embodies the concept of traveling free spirits carried away by the wind, listening to the sounds of worlds, of the sun and the moon:


During this month I learned the most important thing about this project, which is: I can do it!
I had high expectations but of course I wasn’t sure I would be able to carry out all the steps of my workflow, especially due to the high level of technical stuff related to the music software I work with.
I must say it took a lot of work, particularly in these first months, to figure out everything, but I am quite satisfied with the results so far!

I also had a good feedback from the few people who listened to the first episodes and this encouraged me a lot!

Next Steps:

Getting ready for the launch in mid-end February, keep working for the next episodes, researching for the right images to match each episode, which will be displayed on the listening platforms.

Links and Images:

Here you can listen to the private links of the three episodes (final versions):

Episode 0: Stream Zephiro - episodio 0 - presentazione by zephiro_viaggi | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Episode 1: Stream Zephiro - Episodio 1 (Alexandra David Neél - Viaggio di una parigina a Lhasa) by zephiro_viaggi | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Episode 2: Stream Zephiro - Episodio 2 (Nicolas Bouvier - La polvere del mondo) by zephiro_viaggi | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Remember, these are “secret” links, as the podcast is not out yet, so I kept the Soundcloud links as private.
Finally, for an immersive experience, please always listen with headphones!

Thanks :slight_smile:


Awesome report!!! Love seein this project grow!!


Thanks a lot @frnvpr !! :slight_smile:

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