Dear Marketing DAO, We at Talk Away are very happy to present this report.
Your support was crucial for our entry into the cryptocurrency and Near Protocol ecosystem.
We bring here the details of our work with your support:
Adding the cryptocurrency option to our website made us realize how unknown this subject still is in Brazil. We are very happy that all our collaborators have opened near wallets and tutors will accept near payments from their students. In total 5 wallets were opened, 1 programmer, 1 translator and the 3 tutors.
We have created a number of NFTs, some minted in UniqArt for providing the possibility to create a collection and release secret links with the purchase of the NFT and others in Mintbase.
We realized that since our site is in the MVP stage, we have some template limitations for inserting crypto payment, such as connecting the user’s wallet to the site. On the other hand, the NFT technology provided us with a very creative and attractive alternative for purchasing the products via Near crypto currency.
We launched NFTs that do not generate product access but rather bring the concept of the Talk Away approach in a creative way like these:
1 NFT that generates access to an unlockable link, where the person can access an exclusive ebook of content about language learning.
1 NFT that unlocks a face-to-face experience in the city of Rio de Janeiro, which is a game through the city, where the student and the tutor draw random cardinal directions and walk through the city through this game, guided by a compass.
Access our gallery on the platform:
By scrolling down on the home page, you can also see it.
2 NFT tickets for mintbase that unlock the main product sold on the platform, the annual student and tutor plan.
can be viewed on the website at the following links:
Our platform still has a business plan that is in experimentation, subscriptions and the first tutor lesson (which is included in the subscription as well) are paid by the platform, the other lessons are paid directly to the tutor, so we are happy that everyone has opened wallet and will accept near protocol.
We put the following notice in each tutor’s profile:
After these creations of NFTs and insertion of crypto payment possibilities on the site, we started to spread more about on our Instagram ( and insert links in our bio.
We will need continued work for our audience to understand and buy through NFTs, as well as continued promotion within the Near ecosystem of the platform. We had support from DAO Nomade Label that introduced us to the ecosystem and is supporting one event to publicize the insertion of crypto on the platform.
The event is about a walk with a Moroccan immigrant in the city of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, where we will practice Arabic and French walking around the city. At the beginning, we will present the platform and this new crypto NEAR payment possibility to the attending audience and in a live broadcast on Instagram. This is not part of this proposal for Marketing DAo, but we think it is interesting to show the connections that each project generates in the ecosystem.
Reflections on the beginning of our insertion in the ecosystem:
We realized that most of our interlocutors believe that crypto currency is something very abstract or a local currency that does not have a technology behind it and many people do not know what NFT is. We believe that a continued work of content creation on social media is of great importance and we are hopeful, because with each conversation we clarify this reality that we believe will be more and more present in the future. Our Instagram, in a short time has had a reasonable number of accesses: 4.5 thousand accounts.
It is a pleasure to be part of this story. The Talk Away platform debuted on June 8, 2022 and we are happy that in that time of existence, we could insert crytpo on the site!
We hope that the partnership between Marketing Dao and Talk Away will continue!
Best regards,
Fernanda Paixão
Talk Away Founder