(report) she is near dao council blessed december/january

Hello community,

Our DAO, driven by the collective aim to empower women within the ecosystem, made my role as council member fulfilling as each step brought us closer to our goal.

During the Christmas break from December 23rd to January 2nd, while the community enjoyed a hiatus, council members continued working to ensure the DAO’s seamless operation and growth.


  1. Attended 17 official DAO meetings, including 5 community weekly calls (Thursday 4 pm UTC), 5 education team weekly calls (Thursday 2 pm UTC), and 6 council meetings (Monday 5 pm UTC), along with 2 tech team meetings.
  2. Participated in 4 collaboration meetings with SHEFI, Build DAO, and Discover BOS, Near Research Collective.
  3. Orchestrated 3 reconciliation meetings to address concerns from core contributors and resolve misunderstandings.
  4. Hosted one-on-one calls to assist DAO members facing on-chain difficulties.


  1. Created the DAO’s retroactive bounty form for payment. Form link
  2. Contributed to finalizing our DAO charter. Final copy link
  3. Contributed to drafting and evaluating our DAO January and February budget.
  4. Reviewed educational ideas submitted by community members for funding.


  1. Onboarded community members with potential contributions to the DAO’s growth.
  2. Maintained smooth communication between our DAO and HOM.
  3. Assisted in moderating our community Telegram chat.

I remain committed to supporting the DAO in achieving its core focus and goals, promoting peace, inclusivity, and ensuring our community is a safe space for every woman, regardless of age, race, qualifications, etc.