Report on the Cameroon Live Event for May 2022
Greetings to the creative councils / members and it is with immense gratitude that i write this report having carried out all that was set to do in the proposal.
Prior to the event, I had already done a massive neighborhood awareness exercise by going round in a rented car with a public address system loaded on the car, a microphone in my hand and then I was preaching the Web3 gospel.
The event itself was a gathering of artistes and an audience who knew nothing or little about the Near Protocol but they love and enjoy music, so what did we do?
We simply employed the musicians to bring people together and I instead, decided to teach them about Web3 and what benefits they can get such as
- Financial freedom
- Stable economy
- Safe and secure web
- Crypto education
The event was sponsored by the Near Protocol and made for the Near Protocol, therefore, music was being played, snacks were being served and eventually, everybody gave us their listening ears and undivided attention.
A lot of people were confused at first because of their limited knowledge about the Near Protocol but as the musical/educational event was going on, I used the opportunity to shed light on the activities that are going on in Web3, how they can participate and how they can also be rewarded for their participation.
Some of the questions that were asked were
- What is Near?
- How can they get involved?
- What about security against hackers?
- How can they open wallets, fund and sell trade?
- How can they join?
All these were promptly answered by me and they were satisfied. The Near Protocol supports every kind of person regardless of their fields of interest and this calmed their spirits, also knowing that they don’t have to pay a dime to join and all benefits are theirs.
These were the artists that performed
Jaica man
Jah mistikal
Bantu freeman
Lord preacher man
The artist that perform were supposed to be paid with near but since they got no binance I normally sent thier $NEAR to my binance wallet and trade it to BTC and sell , and they were paid by CFA but I can show the transaction that I made from my NEAR wallet to binance , and also I needed to settle the expencies with CASH (CFA) here are some documents that can prove it below
I onboarded Five artist into reggaedao and Created wallet for them , that’s the main reason I need @symbolik to help me and educate them about Near Web3 ecosystem,
This was the graphics designer I paid him with near but was return back to me so I can trade and sells, paid him with CFA
Reggaedao/councils members
@Jahzonemusician @BigM007
These are some of the pictures from the event.
Videos will be uploaded on ReggaeDao YouTube.
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