We are excited to share our growth from our latest grant. ([APPROVED] Ready Layer One Podcast budget for next month of episodes - #4 by joe-rlo)
Since the approval of this grant, we met our goals by recording 8 guest related episodes (7 released so far) and 7 weekly news episodes. (https://readylayeronepodcast.com)
Our twitter impressions have grown to 45k impressions in the last 30 days as well as our follower accounts across all accounts.
We also added YouTube, YouTube shorts, and TikTok to our content distribution. This has lead to a much larger viewing audience. Our episodic podcast listens have doubled in some cases from adding in the YouTube companion. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wNxsx2bB72NuB9MJV_qgw) (TikTok)
With our podcast recorded and one-off content we now have multiple short clips (YouTube & TikTok) with thousands of views. This includes growth has led to over 500 followers now on TikTok and 4+ videos with over 3000 views. While this is small in the context of viral TikTok, the gained exposure is 10x and continues to grow weekly.
Additionally, we have started a weekly marketing related Twitter spaces where the first one was well attended and we will continue those for the time being.
We continue to try to be a voice of the Ecosystem and grow not just our brand but NEAR the place to build and be in web3. #NEARisNOW