Octobers gone, and we are happy to announce the news
We have onboarded a lot of new members, a few from different places. But one thing everyone have in common is that it demands a lot of time, to onboard someone. Most of the newcomers had no knowledgment about near, or daos, so we had to pass trought the telegram chat a whole explanation about everything, that can easily consume 1 to 2 hours per person. The list is big, from web3 to how to have a good sale strategy is a long way. And its kind of difficult to find materials for these parts, as it demand to research, consume these material to see if it fits at our standards or communicate with our crowd. Most of them are still complex, or hard to find as we are not used to new tools, even less who is onboarding atm.
So, we had to find a solution, easily, fast, to transfer this onboard responsability to a automation path.
The first idea is a guide, a manual, the ultimate step-by-step trough all the process, with a simple language, to be easy to absorb, even for a children, or an old person with no kwoledgment of any part of the web3 or crypto. A small book with 40 pages. And it need to be easy to share, to storage, to edit.
PDF can be shared as a open file, hold links, and it can be customized with images, however are the needs . So it became our choice. A pdf of ~40 pages, hyperlinked to external links, to create a rough dynamic manual, that can lead the user to solve its own problems. It only need to ask doubts at the community chat, it will save a lot of time and human material.
After that we can transform the logic that was constructed at rge PDF to a more user friendly language with motion, videos, audio, and even can open a door to have a inclusion segment.
Then a pdf can become a interactive pdf.
After this we would test this material at a large scale, and with the results build a website or dapp.
Our budget was used from what was left from our fund as we changed the priority from lesser needs, as translate 2 english docs, create 2 more tokens + the clan mintbase store income resulting in 40N distribuite to the ones involved at the project. Now we are asking for a new fund, to finish the document and have a first funcional prototype, that can be applyed, and will be hosted at our CC NEAR FOLDER, so anyone will be able to download it and customize it. We just ask to reply the custom versions, so we can use the info to enhance the original project.