Hello every one, how are you?
We from The Clan DAO started to develop a full open source guide, with the purpouse of onboarding everyone, even with no knowledgment, to help then go easily step by step at every part of the process. from arrive trough web3 concepts, blockchain, tokens, near, wallet, finances, nfts subjects, artists, collectors, marketplaces, mint, list, self management, self advertisment, etc. All the process… We are requesting funds with the creative dao, and we want to share knowledgement to build this, as it will be a organic flow. We started a mockup HERE
and we want to build together. The idea is to, at a near future, start to develop it as a dapp or a website, to make it even more accurated, but we can first work with a huge nice builded PDF.
Please lets share.
Thank you.
Unfortunally this project was on hold, and its offline.