[REPORT] November monthly Report - Incubadora DAO

Project Name: Incubadora

Project Status: [ in progress ]

Project members: @JulianaM @frnvpr @Samiasns @herikalcn @chaveirinha

Project Accounting: current account balance 3.478,25 USD*


  • Some payouts pending like 300 EUR of Artist Stipend Program second month artist’s fee

Updated Project Timeline:

  • Incubadora funds were successfully transferred from Sputnik to ASTRO

  • Due to decisions around the “DAO Legal Discussion”, we’re sorry to report that @mecsbecs is no longer part of the Incubadora council

  • As the studio for the original idea of making a physical event to launch the Poliedro’s Catalog event was already rented, Incubadora used the space in the first week of November as a place where we could brainstorm our next activities as well as meet artists like @nearestchico and partners like @hevertonharieno to discuss ideas and new possibilities of work

  • November was also a crucial month for Incubadora, based on the projects we developed and Its outcomes we decided that It was time to redesign our identity in order to amplify the impact our DAO have on our community

  • We launched the second edition of our Artis Stipend Program and had 11 applicants, 3 more than the first open call. With this edition, we’re going to increase the number of supported artists from 2 to 4

  • We rewarded the first of the 8 months project Travel Podcast. Due to the redesign of our identity, this project is now part of the Incubadora Vertical funding. Also, as part of the Vertical, we are excited to support the Kawa Kami Virtual Version project from the next month on

  • Incubadora is making an effort to reach a bigger audience and elevate Its presence in social media. One of the initiatives towards this goal was engaging with more community members in order to diversify our funding options. Our funding request to the Marketing DAO is an example of that

  • Plus, we have ongoing efforts into onboarding


(Poliedro Catalog virtual launch - event overview)

(Poliedro Catalog virtual launch - artist’s works overview)

(Sara Mosli’s testimony on the impacts the Artist Stipend Program had to her)


  • As pointed out in our Identity discussions, Incubadora, as a group of people, has learned a great deal in the last couple of months. We are now at the point when we know what works and what doesn’t, and how best to deploy our efforts in supporting the Portuguese-speaking artistic community. From now on we have 3 axes of action: Stipends, Educational Activities and Incubadora Vertical

  • Based on the artists feedback so far, the Artist Stipend Program appears to be at the center of what Incubadora wants to represent for both the artistic and NEAR community

  • Hosting events in a virtual space represents multiple possibilities for the Incubadora future activities

Next Steps:

  • Supporting the second month of the Travel Podcast as well as the launch of Kawa Kami Virtual Version project
  • Communicating and supporting the four winners of the Artist Stipend Program second Open Call
  • Preparing the first Incubadora seminar, concretizing the educational activities as a major project
  • Going even deeper on discussions about becoming more financially sustainable and investing on DeFi solutions to increase the DAO resilience

Thank you! :purple_heart:

All are welcome to join us to talk about and see our projects.

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