[REPORT] Near Positive Vibes February Report

Hello,@nearglobedao, NEAR Protocol community!
February report 2024
Project Name: Near Positive Vibes

Project Intro:
The project Near Positive Vibes is an active project in the NEAR ecosystem. Our goal is to promote acceptance and awareness of the NEAR protocol among a diverse community through education and outreach. Our tasks is to attract new users, help them create wallets and get to know the ecosystem and explain the advantages that the near blockchain has. NEAR Protocol is a very convenient platform for developers, and also convenient for users due to fast transactions and low commissions. Our goal is to familiarize people with these advantages, which are the future of the blockchain industry and cryptocurrency in general. WEB3 is the basis of decentralization, which we observe in the management system of the NEAR ecosystem, thereby we introduce the community to WEB3 and its advantages that exist in NEAR.

Our social media channels:
Telegram (Telegram: Contact @nearpositivevibes)
News group (Telegram: Contact @nearpositivevibes_news)
Twitter (https://twitter.com/nearpositive)
Near social (Vibes (positivevibess.near) | Near Social)

Medium: https://medium.com/@nearworld2022


Approved Proposal Link: [APPROVED] Near Positive Vibes | February 2024

During this month we achieved the following:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nearpositive 463 Followers / 23,2 Impressions /60 publications per month
Telegram Chat: Telegram: Contact @nearpositivevibes Members : 542 /145active members (almost 2 times more than last month)
News Telegram: Telegram: Contact @nearpositivevibes_news Members : 226 members
NearSocial: https://near.social/mob.near/widget/ProfilePage?accountId=positivevibess.near 1
Members: 81 / 26 publications per month


In February, our community held two individual sprints on the ZEALY innovation platform. In each ZEALY there were 15 winners.

The number of participants in ZEALY#1 was 155,

In ZEALY#2 the number of participants was 178(not over yet)

Each ZEALY lasted for 5 days, the participants completed tasks that were constantly updated. As a result of the ZEALY , we saw excellent community activity with good reviews. To stay updated with our latest events and future awards, visit our ZEALY account and join us on this exciting journey:


We also held two quizzes for our community. The number of winners in each quiz is 5 people. The participants were very active, there is evidence in the form of a screen recording of the quiz. During the quiz, various questions were asked on the topic of NEAR Protocol. Quiz tests were conducted in various ways, such as using a bot, and participants selected answer options. The questions were also asked manually, and the participants wrote the answers themselves.

28 participants took part in the quiz#1

25 people took part in the quiz#2


In addition, we held a creative competition for our community with the goal of participants showing their talent and creativity. The task of the creative competition is to create a banner on a given topic.

The number of participants was 44, including three winners. Number of views on Twitter under this news 2030


We have formed a partnership with a blogger. We held negotiations, discussed the news, provided information. As a result, the blogger filmed a video on YouTube about the latest NEAR news.

Blogger tag in telegram @outlawscumfuc

YouTube channel name - sleep dealer
Link to video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PdBcz0vpRA

Number of blogger subscribers- 1680

Number of views- 523


An online event was held - a poker tournament for our community. The tournament was held on the website www.pokernow.club. As a result, we received positive feedback from the participants

Number of people registered for the tournament -101

Number of winners: 15

Link to our tournament- Poker Now - Multi-Table Tournament - Positive Vibes#1


An educational quiz was held. Previously, we familiarized the participants with an educational article on the topic of Chain Abstraction. We made sure that the information was studied, after which we conducted a survey on this topic. Number of participants - 20. Screen recording available

Metrics & Evidence :

KPI Referral system Parameter Start End Difference Evidence
Wallets creation of 50 wallets 0 58 58 [Wallets created](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZTylvVGL9mdpmEOAZlsm8QzWEQLBj_wVmghU2uWWLvw/edit#gid=0)
Demonstration NEAR to NON blockchain communities Partnership events 0 2Zealy, 2Quiz, 1Online event 1creative competitions 6 [Partnership](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12cyO-Y3LRbpghLJTmX0jIk1TUs6UX-wawW79Xy30ebQ/edit)
Engagement gamification mechanism 1) Telegram 2) Twitter 3)Near Social 4) Wallet txns 5) Medium 0 1)145active members 2)23.2impressions/60publ 3)26publications 4)Total:4002Txns 5)32Folowers - [Events](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p0M5iQ1EBw6i9rSsxFkfdnMnGuUnrS1l4slH5S_8bKU/edit)
Education Telegram Twitter Near Social Medium 12/02/24 07/03/24 1 educational quiz Medium articles [Near Positive Vibes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zvVXqk4-eovtcw8QvE1ASHEf94xN2B9eUmWbCUTdK60/edit) ```

Full information in docs

In our community there are no restrictions regarding one language and country. After all, we have a multinational community. But the most popular are English, Ukrainian and Russian.

Next Goals Highlights:
Our goal is to go only forward.
We are focused on growing our Near Positive Vibes community within the NEAR Protocol ecosystem. We use various platforms to achieve our goals: telegram, Twitter, YouTube, medium and others
We are a useful resource for users, and we plan to improve the quality of our content, increase the number of partnerships, competitions and events on different platforms to attract new users to the NEAR ecosystem
We have many useful ideas and we must implement them. Only positive. Stay in touch with us on our social networks ^_^.


Hi @Frederick

I’ve attached the results for Near Positive Vibes in February 2024, after a detailed review of your report.

Since there is no video created, we will reduce your February funding by 5%.

You can proceed to the next step for the second 45% disbursement of funds, through Astra+ here Astra++ by astraplusplus.ndctools.near on BOS

Please follow the report template next time for a better overview of your report.
Thank you!